Grael Imbolc

Grael Imbolc

This is the 2nd issue of Grael, a magazine of magick and mystery, and once more we hope you will enjoy this special edition brought out this time for Imbolc, the festival of returning light. Not only have we a mention of the related Ground hog Day but you can read of mermaids and black mirrors and other strange and wonderful things.Judith amazes us again with her gift for adorning the stark white pages with all manner of decorations, adding extra colour to the already colourful content. Her article on the cairn of Gavrinis, that mysterious mound that continues to baffle scholars, is a fascinating read, as is the investigation into Imbolg or Candlemas that opens this issue. Caroline Wise has also contributed some excellent material, including her personal investigation of Lupa and of Bride, the Imbolc goddess. David de Roeck's 'Granny knows best' has added yet more flavour to our magazine. All the remedies have been tried and tested by Judith. As the light returns to the northern climes we wish you warmth in the cold, and joy in your heart.
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