
this was just hard to read 😭😭

thank you to penguin teen for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
so, now, i don’t know how to start this one. i think, mostly, i’m just disappointed. this was my first julian winters book and it just wasn’t it for me. and i know i’m going to be a minority in my thoughts on this one. neither great nor noticeably bad, it just sits smack dab in the middle at alright. and honestly, that’s sometimes the worst place a book can be. it unfortunately means i’ll probably forget everything that happened in a few days, honestly.
none of the characters particularly stuck out to me as interesting to hear much from. the pacing was a bit odd with ~70% been spent at this party, breakfast club style, and then the rest was big time gap after another. and, idk… nothing really excited me much when reading. and side-note, did the teens really have to be recording everything? it felt overkill and sometimes felt like the only way we could move the plot along.
what i can say, is that this book had really good queer representation. like as with many queer teens, i feel like we (knowingly or unknowingly) gravitate towards each other. and that what these characters did, forming a lil found family of rainbow. that was by far my favorite part of this book. and the part i’ll remember best.