Adobe PhotoDeluxe 4 For Dummies

Adobe PhotoDeluxe 4 For Dummies

As computer programs go, Adobe PhotoDeluxe is easy. Without exerting much energy, you can create pretty cool pictures. But this ease breaks down when you start looking closely at the quality of your digital art. That's where Adobe PhotoDeluxe 4 For Dummies comes in. This book explains the science behind the art of PhotoDeluxe so you can use the program to your fullest advantage. PhotoDeluxe 4 runs on Windows NT 4, Windows 98, and Windows 95. This book focuses on Windows 98 – if you're running Windows 95 or NT, you may find a few areas where things work differently than described, but the majority of information is absolutely the same no matter what flavor of Windows you fed your computer. Finally, if you're wondering what level of digital-imaging experience you need to understand this book, the answer is none. It's designed for those who are at the beginner or intermediate level when it comes to image editing. In simple, easy-to-read language, Adobe PhotoDeluxe 4 For Dummies helps you wrap your brain around some perplexing subjects, including: Choosing the right resolution Selecting a file format Saving and printing your masterpieces Cropping your images Correcting brightness and contrast Covering up flaws in your snapshots Beyond that, you gain the information you need to venture past the program's surface level and explore its considerable hidden talents. Almost obscured by the consumer-friendly PhotoDeluxe interface lurk some very powerful image-editing tools – the kind that you may expect to find only in professional (read: expensive) graphics software. This book shows you how to exploit these tools and even how to work around some built-in limitations to get a bit more flexibility than the program's designers likely intended. Adobe PhotoDeluxe 4 For Dummies leads you safely along the sometimes-rocky image-editing trail, gets you out of jams when necessary, and even offers you some entertainment along the way. In short, it's the perfect companion for your PhotoDeluxe journey.
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