Cell Biology

Cell Biology A Laboratory Handbook

V. 1: cell and tissue culture and associated techniques; Primary cultures from embyonic and newborn tissues; Culture of specific cell types; Cell separation techniques; Model systems to study differentiation; cell cycle analysis; Assays of tumorigenicity, invasion, and others; Cytotoxic and cell growth assays; Senescence and apoptosis; Electrophysiological methods; Histocultures and organ cultures; Other cell types and organisms; Viruses; Appendices; v. 2: Organelles and cellular structures; Assays; Antibodies; Immunocytochemistry; Vital staining of cells; v. 3: Light microscopy and contrast generation; Electron microscopy; Intracellular measurments; Cytogenetics and in situ hybridization; transgenic and gene knockouts; v. 4: Transfer of macromelcules and small molecules; Expression systems; Differential gene expression; Proteins; Appendix; List of suppliers; Subject index.
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