
This was more than scary... This was definitely closer to thriller and mystery. The novel was told from a 15-year old girl's perspective, I will admit at first I was skeptical considering I didn't know if I was going to identify with her as much. Turns out Dawson's writing didn't make me feel like I was being squashed into a 15 year old's mind. This book did lag a bit towards the middle when there was a small gap between introducing us to the characters and when Lis is truly in danger. But for the sake of the ending, this novel deserves 4 stars because the ending was close to brilliant. Dawson did not hold back for these poor characters and I liked that! There is a part in this novel that did surprise me. When Lis and her new little group of friends do something pretty cruel to the stereotypical beautiful yet mean popular girl. I was pretty shocked that again, Dawson did not hold back on any part. Of course there is romance in this and it's pretty sweet. Either way, the book was good and perfect for a stand-alone. It ended greatly and I particularly liked how thriller and creepy it was. Truly. 4 stars for this bad boy! IF you liked this review, check out more on my blog where I review YA and other genres!