Just One Year
From New York Times bestselling author Penelope Ward, comes a new standalone novel. The beginning of my sophomore year in college was off to a rough start. On the first day of orientation, I had an altercation with an infuriating British dude in a campus bathroom. (The ladies’ room was out of order. So, I used the men’s room. Don’t judge.) I got home later that night and realized that the foreign student we were expecting to rent a room in my parents’ house was allergic to our cat. So, the spare room went to someone else: Caleb—the British guy from the men’s room. And so it began…my love-hate story with Caleb Yates. Or was it hate-love in that order? The guy knew how to push every one of my buttons. Sometimes I’d email him to express my aggravation and disdain. He’d actually rewrite my own words and send them back to me. That was the type of infuriating person Caleb was. So frustrating. And… Sometimes incredibly funny and endearingly sweet. And hot. He eventually grew on me, and Caleb soon became one of my best friends that year. Too bad he was headed back to England soon, so nothing could happen between us—for so many reasons. I definitely couldn't fall in love with him, especially since all we had was just one year.

penelope es una de esas autores que considero “mi lugar seguro”, pero entre más leo sus libros, más se cae de mi gloria. y no por nada malo, sino que sus libros ya no me producen nada, y me parecen más de lo mismo pero con otros nombres. ¿Será está mi señal para dejar de leerla por un rato? Lo descubriremos en breve.

Mariam Mohsen@mariammohsen
4.5 stars... For the second time I read a book by this author and I cry while reading it, it has a lot of imotional seens and really sweet feelings which will leave you smiling in total peace in the end, was really worth Reading

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