Charlie Travesty

I’m not sure that this was the best book to start the year off with, but I still enjoyed myself overall. Charlie Traversty is a paranormal romance following Charlie, a vampire princess, as she’s ripped from her life of comfort and thrown into the harsh life of New Ve. She must fight the weepers that live in the tunnels under the city and make friends with humans and bounty hunters to survive. My biggest gripe was the logical inconsistencies in the story. Maybe I just wasn’t paying attention enough, but it seemed to break some established rules of the world and characters had conversations about things they should already know. There weren’t so many that it hindered the whole story but they were noticeable. I enjoyed our heroine, Charlie. I always love to read about characters that live in comfort having to learn to cope in harsh worlds. It’s the perfect opportunity for character development and this was no different. Of course Charlie is a little impulsive like most heroines in paranormal books, but she’s a vampire so it fits her character. Drew was such a sweetheart. Always looking out for Charlie and making her feel welcome. I’m undecided on Noah. I usually enjoy the bad boy trope but some of his sexual innuendos felt so forced I couldn’t help but cringe. I guess we’ll see if he grows on me in the second book. I’m eager to learn more about the world. This one mostly focused on vampires, humans and the weepers but I’d love to learn more about the other creatures. While I didn’t think I’d continue on in the series, that ending has me wanting to read on. I think this would be for you if you enjoyed Crescent City by Sarah J. Maas or if you’re new to paranormal romance.

I love this series so much, I love these authors, more please