Stroke of Midnight

I received an eARC of Skyscraper Cinderella in exchange for an honest review. This book is included in the series collection. All thoughts and options are my own. My initial thoughts: “Hot diggity damn.” This book was not at all what I was expecting. It was HOT HOT HOT! Hot doesn’t even do this book justice. It was more dirty and dark and I loved every single second of it. I simply couldn’t put this book down. It’s a twisted take on the old classic Cinderella. Winston is a man I knew I’d love to hate and my sweet Ash. I loved her from the second she was introduced. She’s witty, sassy and such a loving person. Lots of angst, so much steam and I loved the back and forth between these two. It was a book I just simply couldn’t put down. Now time to dive into book two! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

get that money girl. what else to say super kinky didnt know if i liked it tho and not sure if im interested in the other books. also the guy did almost nothing to help her from her disgusting "brothers"

Most of my issue comes from the writing. Deeply cringey, whether it was the character interactions or the unsexy sex scenes. There would be to many words not getting anything particularly compelling across. I enjoy a dark, intense story, but felt the ending to this book was rushed and contrived. Wondering why this is a three book series.

Absolutely addictive, Stroke of Midnight is one of the best modern retellings I’ve read. Cinderella has never been my favorite fairytale but the way K Webster has turned this theme into a whole new kink? I am so here for it. It’s original and deliciously dirty. The small details, like the heroine having a pet bird, along with many other twists and similarities of the traditional fairytale added to the delight of reading this romance. Winston literally has not a single redeeming quality at first but you quickly learn he’s got a weak spot, and it’s Ash. I MELT for an anti hero who is utterly evil to everyone but the heroine. Let’s be real, it’s the “only I can change him” bad boy vibes that you can’t help but swoon over. And damn does Winston make you equally melt and swoon. He is FILTHY. He’s rich. He’s loyal to a fault when it comes to his family. He’s a straight up asshole and I don’t even care. Once he opened his cocky mouth and started breaking his rules for Ash I was a goner. Ash is pretty tough, it’s why her and Winston click and it’s another big win for me with this story line. She’s definitely young and true to her age in ways but she’s not so overly naive you’re rolling your eyes. She has the appropriate amount of internal struggle, her needs are realistic and the right balance required in their relationship. K Webster also took the time to address issues of doubt associated with a young girl diving head first into a game well above her level. To me this is incredibly important where the age gap is as large as this one. Ash’s level of sarcasm is a firm check in the pro column as well. The amount of emotional vulnerability between Ash and Winston builds higher and higher as they’re trust grows with every act. It left me so in love with these two characters and desperately needing to know where it will lead them.

Friend: Hey want to read this romance Cinderella retelling? Me: absolutely!!!! 3 hours after binging this book... K. Webster brings us a very DIFFERENT retelling. Her cinderella is fresh out of high school needing to save money so she doesn't need to ask anything of her evil surgeon step mother, her ugly (well not quite) step-brothers are bullies that just want to own her, beat her down, and ruin her life... and her Prince Charming is... well... I would call him more of a dark, sexy, and somewhat corrupt man who makes a deal with the young cinderella. The deal is not quite what I thought it would be when I started, but I was totally hooked. And remember that epic moment of reaching the ball??? Ya... you'll be waiting for that moment in book 2. Prepare to be shocked and needing someone to buddy read and chat with. This quick read is a GUILTY pleasure and not one for all. If drastic age differences and exploring a little of the dark side in this open door romance isn't for you, then I would keep scrolling.. rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫/5 Steam level: "did he just say buttplug?"

Absolutely loved reading this. I was barely able to put the book down. And the kink is not mine, but I think I enjoy the taboo of it? Loveable characters, great writing style. I am just sad the 2nd book isn't out yet.

3.5 stars for story (3.75?) but 5 stars on the spiciness scale.

Edit: I’m currently figuring out my rating system, so changing this one from 6 stars to 5 stars. While I loved this one, it wasn’t life changing. ***5 Stars*** Holy shit!!!!! This is what my reader heart has been needing and craving!! I wished I would have read this sooner. I’ll admit at first I almost dnf-Ed this book. Only because I was a little put off with how angry the hero got over something that seemed so small to me, but I’m sooooooo glad I kept going. I’m obsessed and I need more like yesterday!!!

3.25 ☆

I totally loved Ash and Winston story!! I always enjoy her books and this wasn’t different, I love dark romances and this one got me hooked up from the beginning. It’s a little short so I finished it very soon but at least I have the next two books to dive in and see what’s next in store for Winston and Ash. Winston Constantine is a billionaire with a lot of power and he likes things to be done in a certain way, so when he sees that Ash is causing drama in his office he wants her humiliated but at the same time wants her physically so they start a “relationship” in which he pays her in exchange for different things that turn him on. Ash just turned 18 but she’s not living her best life, his dad remarried and he took almost all her college money, besides her stepbrothers are evil and they all treated her extremely bad, so when she meets Winston their agreement is not very good but it gives her money and she can get away from their house for a while. She and Winston get closer and despite not being a good relationship he helps her with his stepbrothers and whoever causes her harm and in exchange she gets money for college. It all goes to hell at the end, and it ends in a cliffhanger so I hope Ash can get back at her stepbrothers. I hated them from the first moment they showed up and they never learned so I’m hoping everything works out for Ash and that Winston can realize what they did to her.

Stroke of Midnight by K Webster is a wild ride from start to finish. It’s a Cinderella retelling with a humiliation kink and three evil step brothers instead of sisters. It’s written very well and I was sucked into the opulent setting. This ended on a cliffhanfer during which I almost had a heart attack and I seriously stayed up all night staring at the ceiling thinking about it 😂 I’ve never read anything quite like this and I’m really looking forward to (read: NEEDING) the happy ending. It was kinky and hot and fun to read when I didn’t want to murder the meddling family. 4.5 stars!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨

I’m seriously questioning myself for loving Winston Constantine so much. I’d let him destroy me.


"Keep looking at my dick like you want to know it on a first-name basis, Cinderelliot, and I'm going to make you give it a proper greeting. One where you bow on your knees and kiss the crown."
Holy hell 🥵 *bows down*