
“Strange things happen on this earth: you can live a long while with someone and be on the friendliest of terms, and yet you’ll never once talk openly with him, from the depths of your soul; while with someone else you may scarcely have met, at one glance, whether you to him or he to you, just as in a confessional, you’ll blurt out the story of your life.” While not the most exciting duo of stories I do like how it gives a little glimpse into life in rural Russia of back then. Kasyan is an interesting fellow, and I’d liked to have a little more of him. Still, this was a fun read and I enjoyed myself, and so it was the little money worth I paid for it, though I’d not necessarily recommend it to others (unless they got easy access to it and are as interested in Russian literature as I am)

Strange things happen on this earth: you can live a long while with someone and be on the friendliest of terms, and yet you’ll never once talk openly with him, from the depths of your soul; while with someone else you may scarcely have met, at one glance, whether you to him or he to you, just as in a confessional, you’ll blurt out the story of your life.