The Girl Chameleon-One

The Girl Chameleon-One A Young Adult Paranormal Romance

Jen is an seventeen-year old teenage girl who gets average grades and has a boring normal life except for one thing—she is a human chameleon. She can transform herself into any inanimate object she touches. An ability she’s hidden from everyone, especially her parents. After all she is just an average girl so no one would believe she could do something so extraordinary. That is until she meets Ainsley, a handsome artist at a gallery showing. His painting are so beautiful and lifelike Jen wants to jump inside them and become one with the fantastical worlds. When they go out to a sushi bar after the gallery opening, Jen senses there is something special about Ainsley too. He has a secret just like hers. She knows for the first time in her life she has met someone who can truly understand her. Who knows her secret without her saying a word. They’d make the perfect couple except for one thing—his secret couldn’t kill her.
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