Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn Night and Day

"Originally published in single magazine form in Harley Quinn 8-13, Harley Quinn: Our Worlds at War 1."
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Photo of Marie
5 stars
Apr 14, 2023

** spoiler alert ** I loved it from page one, book didn't start off with her being with Joker already. Loved how they started with her childhood and how she became a psychiatrist. And then how she became Jokers girl. Would recommend to anyone who loves Harley and Joker.

Photo of Ley Stanton
Ley Stanton@feyley
3 stars
Aug 12, 2022

My least favorite Harley Quinn collection so far. I found the story made no sense, it seemed like the writers were just trying to be as weird as possible. That being said, its not going to stop me from reading the next volume or other Harley Quinn comics in the future. This one was just unnecessarily weird.

Photo of Camila
Camila @camie
3 stars
Jan 9, 2022

Me acuerdo cuando veía Cartoon Network siempre cambiaba la televisión para no ver Batman, la verdad es uno de los pocos super heroes "mainstream" que nunca han llamado mi atención; pero una vez sin nada más en televisión vi uno de sus episodios y para mi suerte en éste apareció Harley Quinn, nunca la había visto antes pero desde que que grito un "Señor J!/ Mistah J!" con esa singula voz, siempre me gustó. No es hasta ahora con todo el hype del Suicide Squad que me he decidido a leer sus comics. Me sé perfectamente su historia, porque siempre fue un personaje que me interesó El primer tomo empieza con Harley rescatando de la cárcel a Joker, lo cual no me gustó mucho (view spoiler)[ debido a la problemática relación que Harley y Joker tienen; pero no tardó mucho tiempo en que Harley abriera los ojos y lo dejara (hide spoiler)] Harley sola es muy entretenida y logramos ver un poco de su pasado; aún sin saber muy bien que hacer sin ser complice de alguien, estos tomos van formando a Harley como personaje, aún así puedes ver un poco de escritura sexista (y como la dibujan tambié ¬¬, aún siendo un personaje que debe ser sexualizado) Seguiré con los siguientes tomos, espero ver un poco más de Poison Ivy (view spoiler)[ya que en próximos tomos o ediciones (no estoy segura en cual) ellas comienzan una relación (hide spoiler)] y menos de personajes que le quitan espacio a Harley.

Photo of Camila
Camila @camie
3 stars
Jan 9, 2022

Me gustó mucho las escenas con Ivy, la historia iba muy bien y luego la arruinaron con líneas que acababan en un solo comic. Se nota mucho el sexismo en estas ediciones :| espero que eso mejore o pasaré a The New 52 de inmediato. Harley sigue siendo tan genial como siempre :)

Photo of Camila
Camila @camie
3 stars
Jan 9, 2022

Yeii! Back-story!

Photo of Christina M Masters
Christina M Masters@xtina127
4 stars
Nov 17, 2021

**This review could contain spoilers if you don't know much about the Harley Quinn story** Harley Quinn has been one of my favorite characters ever since she popped up on the scene in the Batman: The Animated Series cartoon. I was also a big fan of Arleen Sorkin, from my soap opera viewing days, who voiced the original HQ, so I figured I would enjoy this origin story and I wasn't disappointed. It feels a little like reading a comic book actually but a little more in-depth in terms of writing since you don't have the illustrations, but I really liked that because it felt like snappy writing, quick and to the point, while still able to engage us in HQ's backstory and how she was manipulated by the Joker into becoming HQ. Stories like this are always fascinating to me because I see stories in the news of extremely intelligent women, who get hoodwinked by some charming, usually equally intelligent, albeit most of the time mentally ill person, into becoming a completely different person. Although in this story, even though after the Joker "breaks" Harley, which was his primary goal, it could be argued in this particular story that in his breaking of her he was also unlocking her in some sense. I will warn though Joker is abusive towards Harley, this is no secret, but the abuse Harley suffers in the story was a little hard to swallow at times, so be aware if you are triggered by that sort of thing. This includes mental and physical abuse. Overall this is a good story and I had a lot of fun learning more about one of my favorite characters so if you are a fan of the Batman universe I highly recommend this one.

Photo of Daniela V.
Daniela V.@cheapregrens
5 stars
Nov 1, 2021

Title of the volume sounds familiar? The sandman, right? Preludes and nocturnes. Joke's on Gaiman. Well, it's awesome how Harley was split from the Joker in these first issues of her own comic. Great backstory and exciting flashback of the first interview with the Joker. Gonna read more now!

Photo of Sam O'Boyle
Sam O'Boyle@hvrleens
4 stars
Oct 18, 2021

** spoiler alert ** i grew up with this character and her story and im so so glad that paul dini was involved in this project and was able to give harley a proper backstory and make her more than simply the jokers girlfriend but an abuse victim who escaped that toxic relationship and developed a whole new identity of her own. i loved that at the end they added her rejecting the joker when he left her to rot in arkham i thought ot was a lovely touch and the references to the cartoon made me smile

Photo of Jo A
Jo A@thecupofjo
4 stars
Jan 1, 2024
Photo of Jo A
Jo A@thecupofjo
4 stars
Jan 1, 2024
Photo of Julia
4 stars
May 9, 2023
Photo of Julia
4 stars
May 9, 2023
Photo of Sian
4 stars
Nov 2, 2022
Photo of june
3 stars
Aug 14, 2022
Photo of Ley Stanton
Ley Stanton@feyley
5 stars
Aug 12, 2022
Photo of Ley Stanton
Ley Stanton@feyley
4 stars
Aug 12, 2022
Photo of Sam O'Boyle
Sam O'Boyle@hvrleens
5 stars
Oct 18, 2021
Photo of Amy Medeiros
Amy Medeiros@bookworm4tea
4 stars
Oct 18, 2021
Photo of Chantale
4 stars
Sep 15, 2021
Photo of Zoe Stanford
Zoe Stanford@zoettastanford
4 stars
Aug 29, 2021

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