His Life As a Cuckold Husband Volume 2

His Life As a Cuckold Husband Volume 2

Kat Black2014
The last time we left Kim and Jake, they had come to an understanding and agreement that Jake would be the submissive cuckold husband and Kim would be the dominant wife. Kim's insatiable thirst and hunger for sex became an issue in their marriage when Jake had walked in on her having an extramarital affair. Jake had always suspected Kim was being unfaithful to him, but never really could accept it. "When I meet guys for sexual escapades, I dress a little more provocatively than what you're used to seeing. I wear a lot more makeup and I..." Kim hesitated. Jake waited for her to continue. After a moment she said, “Jake, please don't get mad when I tell you this, but I have several outfits that you've never seen me in." "Where do you have them?" "At Angie’s house." Angie was her best friend. Angie was a divorced woman, the same age as Kim. Angie was a partier and was known to jump from bed to bed. Now the fun starts.” Jake got up and answered the door. It was Angie, dressed as slutty as ever. “Hi Angie, come on in.” Surprised that Jake answered the door Angie replied, “Ohhh.. hi Jake. Is Kim here? I wanted to show her this new dress I just bought.” Kim got up from the sofa and greeted Angie, “Hi Angie, don’t worry, you don’t have to cover for me, Jake knows it’s my dress.” “Jake, Leroy will be here soon. You better get ready and take your place in the bedroom. I don’t want Leroy knowing that you are going to be watching us. I told him that you were out of town for some teacher’s convention. He should be here soon.” About ten minutes later, Leroy showed up. After greeting him, Kim invited him to sit on the sofa next to her. He sat down next to her. Before long he has his arm around Kim and she’s cuddling up to him. After she cuddles up to him she starts rubbing the inside of his thigh. While she’s doing that, she occasionally brushes her fingers across him. They then began to kiss each other slowly, then as things heated up, more passionately. Leroy was a big black man. He stood 6’4”, 250 pounds and was all muscle. Leroy was a bouncer at a nightclub Kim frequented when she went “hunting” for men.
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