Coastal Elite

A novella length audio book is sometimes the perfect thing for the work commute, and this one was super fun. I've been bingeing the heck out of Kate Canterbary, and I think I've finally come to the end of the Walshes. Here we meet Jordan Kaisall, Will Halsted's business partner, former SEAL, and all around bad-ass. He's on vacation with Will and Shannon (so adorable to see them) in Montauk after finding his casual girl friend blowing his business competitor in his apartment, something that means his competitor was able to bug his entire house. When Jordan wipes out on his surfboard, he is assisted by a beautiful woman named April. I'm imagining a Little Mermaid style meet cute here. Swoon. Kaisall has a really bad leg, full of pins, steel, and pain, which acupuncturist and woman of many other skills April offers to help with. The lust is real here friends, and this once stoic man falls head over heels. But April maybe isn't all she seems to be... I wasn't quite expecting the turn this story took, and I loved it! I'm hoping to see more of these characters someday. This solo male narrator wasn't as good for me as the one who did the Walsh books and I missed having the dual POV, but still a great listen!