
Okay, if you haven't read or listened to the author books in The Walshes series, just stop reading right now. I really don't suggest you pick up Riley's book without having first taken the journey, as it won't work for you. SPOILERS. Still with me? Oh my gosh, Riley. RISD. You bumbling, beautiful, sexy beast. I've been really worried about Riley ever since realizing he's obsessed with his brother Matt's wife Lauren. Yikes. I love how Canterbary handled the situation without it being gross or skeevy. We've seen Riley pining throughout the various other Walsh books and I had no idea who his love interest would actually turn out to be. Well this story starts with a bang, with a very explicit sex dream featuring Lauren which did manage to kind of ick me out, but after that we quickly find out who Riley's bumblebee is. If you don't want to know, don't read behind the spoiler. (view spoiler)[Alex, Dr. Nick Acevedo's coworker, formerly known as "Gastro Girl" meets Riley when he's bent over Nick and Erin's table, bleeding out of his back from a rusty nail wound. She stitches him up and they immediately click. Of course, Riley is still struggling with his feelings for Lauren, feeling like falling for Alex is a betrayal, and Alex herself is dealing with her hangups about always being second choice, being cheated on, being betrayed. They agree to a relationship of mutual benefit, five dates, to help Alex show her boss she's not out to bone other interns and for Alex to accompany Riley to his alma mater's homecoming weekend. Riley doesn't tell Alex about the girl he's actually trying to get over and I spent the whole story just biting my nails. There were a few moments where I just wanted these two to TALK. And I was little disappointed their first time together was marred by blurry alcohol memory loss and regret. It is by far made up for later, and Riley is one kinky guy. I was so glad Matt told Riley he always knew about his feelings for Ms. Honey, and that it didn't turn into a big drama fest. I also like how there are no villainous females in this series. Everyone has motivations that make total sense. It was also great to see this family wrap up their series and I can't wait to read the novella. Seeing Riley finally getting his HEA and falling for Alex (Aly) myself, I just love this series and this messy Irish-Catholic family. (hide spoiler)] Reread while I was home sick for a comfort read. Riley and his too big for his own pants c*ck is a total bae and I just adore this entire series. Also getting to see Hartshorn and Acevedo on page with Riley's LI is wonderful.