The Worst Guy

The Worst Guy

Sebastian Stremmel is in one hell of a mood.He's been there for about 42 years. He's not about to change so don't bother asking. Another thing he doesn't want to do? Deal with the noisy new know-it-all reconstructive surgeon Sara Shapiro who won't stop stomping around his surgical floor like she has a single clue how to handle trauma cases. She doesn't, and he has no problem telling her as much... even if it lands them both in eight weeks of hospital mandated conflict resolution sessions. Eight weeks is a long time to slog through communication exercises with someone you dislike on a cellular level, but as if that wasn't enough, she's moved into his apartment building too. Now, he can't turn around or close his eyes without seeing her golden hair shining back at him and hearing her throaty laugh in his head. He doesn't want to like her. She's loud and knows everything, and her snack preferences are absurd and she doesn't seem to wear panties under her scrubs, and he doesn't want to like her at all.He doesn't want to find comfort in the rare slice of softness she shows him and he doesn't want to discover desire like he's never known before in her bed. He doesn't.But even the worst moods are bound to change eventually.
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Photo of Megan BV
Megan BV@megplantparm
4 stars
Apr 6, 2023

Sebastian and Sara are such good characters because they felt so human, flawed and messy and real. They both have lots of things going on and can’t help but bicker with each other all the time. (The constant fighting felt a little childish at times but overall made sense and I still love and support them together.)

Enemies to lovers in such a good way. This book had a lot going on. Didn’t shy away from difficult topics and I appreciate the way things between them are handled.

Photo of Batool Zainab Suleman
Batool Zainab Suleman@biteswithbats
5 stars
Feb 2, 2022

Doctors falling in love is my new weakness 4.5/5 🎶The best part of waking up is romance in my books🎶 Are you looking for an Enemies-with-Benefits romance? Where the FMC is a bad*ss and the MMC is smitten for her? And where the MMC sees toys as teammates? You're in the right place. I saw the author make a video about this book on TikTok and I knew I had to read it right away. I related HARDDDD to the characters in this book. Just a few things I related to: - Recovering from disordered eating ✅ - Narcissistic Parent(s) ✅ - Body Image Issues ✅ - IBS/Irritable Bowel ✅✅✅ - Perfectionist/Good Girl Mentality While Growing Up ✅ - Constantly Feeling Inadequate/Imposter Syndrome ✅ The way these two went back and forth, the freaking BANTERRRRR. I was CACKLING out loud so much. I loved how their banter didn't just go away all of a sudden but kept up during the entire book. ALSO, SEBASTIAN HAS THE MOST ADORABLE PET NAMES FOR SARA. I WANT TO BE SOMEONE'S TINY TORNADO AND SCREECH OWL, PLEASE. Both of these characters had backstories that made them relatable, explained their current misgivings, and ensured that the reader could truly understand why the characters acted the way they did. I loved how Sebastian and Sara were HUMAN. They had flaws and faults. They struggled. They made mistakes. But they both acknowledged each other's humanity, always. This love story is so beautiful. I honestly rooted for them from the start. The way their enemies-with-benefits-to-lovers storyline played out, I was just so captivated. I wish that there was a bit more spice, I even highlighted a passage that summarised a spicy scene instead of ✨ fleshing it out✨ and I was quite sad we only got a summary. This could have easily been a five-star read for me if there had been more BIPOC characters. I'm sick of "pale" main characters in every romance novel. ALSO, I really loved the intro + trigger warnings that the author put! It was well-written and easy to find. Overall, I recommend this book and I hope to read more books by this author.

Photo of SG
4.25 stars
Nov 28, 2022
Photo of Lorena
5 stars
Jul 5, 2024
Photo of Minahil Fatima
Minahil Fatima @mina_f
3 stars
May 27, 2024
Photo of Mari
3 stars
Jan 22, 2023
Photo of Ashley Janssen
Ashley Janssen@aninterestingidea
4 stars
Oct 18, 2022
Photo of Sarah Kessler
Sarah Kessler@pdxskigirl
5 stars
Oct 5, 2022
Photo of Raavee
Raavee @raavee
1 star
Aug 12, 2022
Photo of Shelby Caldwell
Shelby Caldwell@hail_harry
4 stars
Mar 19, 2022