The Awakening and Other Stories (Barnes and Noble Collectible Classics: Flexi Edition)
In 1899 Kate Chopin stunned the literary world with thepublication of The Awakening,her tale of a woman who seeks personal fulfillment in a relationship outside ofher tradition-bound marriage and household. Controversial in its day, Chopin'spioneering novel served as a touchstone for many modernist works published inits wake and is regarded a landmark work of feminist literature. Thiscollection of Chopin's fiction features the full novel and a selection of hershort stories steeped in the local color of her native Louisiana. The Awakening and OtherStories is one of Barnes Noble's CollectibleEditions classics. Each volume features authoritative texts by theworld's greatest authors in exquisitely designed foil-stamped binding, withdistinctive colored edging and a silk-ribbon bookmark. Decorative, durable, andcollectible, these books offer hours of pleasure to readers young and old andare an indispensable cornerstone for any home library.

Fiona Habersack@fiona_hab