Lazy Matilda and Other Tales (Illustrations)

Lazy Matilda and Other Tales (Illustrations)

Example in this ebook “I FEEL ashamed Matilda To see you such a shirk! I really think you’d run a mile To get away from work.” So spoke Matilda’s mother Reprovingly one day, But Mattie only shrugged and sulked And turned her face away. Soon mother left her then alone, The door was open wide. On tip-toes Mattie crossed the floor, And gaily ran outside. She left her room undusted, She left her bed unmade, Indeed she really was a shirk I’m very much afraid. With joy she gaily scampered Across the meadows wide, And chased the pretty butterflies That flew from side to side. And on and on she wandered Until she reached a wood, And there, deep in the shadows A little grey house stood. A dwarf was in the doorway, The door stood open wide, A lean and hungry-looking cat Was mewing just inside. The old dwarf grinned and beckoned, “Come in, come in,” cried he; “I need a little servant maid, And you will do for me.” “I have no wish to serve you,” Matilda quickly cried. But still the old dwarf beckoned her And made her step inside. He made her cook the dinner, He made her work all day. He watched her close, and left no chance For her to run away. To be continue in this ebook
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