Turning Pointe

shut the front door you guys i love them :(( -i love that theyre teenagers and that they act and sound like one wee woo love that for me -shut up :((( i love how they were clingy to each other even before they were together :(( -consent👏🏻 is👏🏻 the 👏🏻 key 👏🏻 -i love their relationship it’s just uwu :(((,,,, and with adrian and sakura i love it,,, ohmygas they were just so many cute moments with the MCs that my heart just keeps leaping you know and not only with them but with their friends so yes,,, uwu -i love that when dudes have the heart to heart talk (the one w adrian and zed) #uwu -best friends to lovers excellence woot woot -i love that ~specific~ trope that everyone hates lol and in the end,,, it didnt push through :(((,,, because,,, :((( shut up i was already attached to the trope??!!,,, and i was excited for it and all but yeah,,?it hurted,,, -the last chapter is just,,,, aaaaaaaaaaaaah???!! idk what to feel ab that,,,,???!!!!

This was a great little start to a series I'm pretty sure I'm really going to enjoy. Time to binge!