Bad Alpha Sweetverse

We love a woman in charge

Bad Alpha is everything we love about Kathryn Moon’s Sweetverse series but with a little added extra. It isn’t all sweetness and rainbows this time, the way the pack comes together is somewhat unconventional as is the way a few of the bonds are formed. Eve is an untameable alpha who manages to saddle herself with a conman omega and that is where all her troubles begin. Or so she think. On Eve’s little mission to find her omega a pack she manages to find that and so much more. I loved Eve from the brief moment she appeared in Lola’s books. She is so different to Baby, Lola and Lyric, and it isn’t just because of her designation. She’s downright bad ass, confidant and goes against everything that is supposed to come with being an alpha. If you’ve read the other books in the series then you may be expecting another wholesome, finding where you fit in kind of story, but you’d be wrong. Bad Alpha is action packed from start to finish and even if it was a little different it certainly fits Eve and her pack perfectly. One thing that is similar to the previous Sweetverse books is the growth of the characters and their relationships. The way they grow and change because of and for one another is wonderful and something that Moon always manages to write perfectly. Oh and the spice, there’s no way the knotty, locking fun was lacking! I cannot recommend this series enough and when I try words can’t even do it justice. Truly, Moon’s Sweetverse Series is perfect and I am ecstatic for what’s to come.

At first I wished that Adam would be the main character not Eve but she grew on me later, when she became slightly more mellow. Now we got three books (ok four but 2&3 are just one in two parts): one about Baby with omega MC, next about Lola with beta MC and this one about Eva with alpha MC. I love how this shows packs from different sides, not to mention that the packs are very different. Can't wait for "Faith & the Dead End Devils" (planned release date Oct 1, 2022, so so long).

Okay, hear me out. I never liked omegaverse before. Until I read Lola. And now I would just read anything Kathryn Moon writes. And this one, OH BOY, it's so goooood. I loved everything about this book. No, I'm lying, I hate that it ended. I would read a million pages about Eve and her pack. I love Eve. I don't know if I want to be her or if I want her to just bite me and make me hers. Yeah, no, I want her to bite me.