The Company of Fiends Tempting Monsters

actually this is incredibly well written, but about 100 pages could probably have been cut to keep the story flowing well.

I really loved the beginning of this book and flew through the first half, but, I kinda got stalled from the halfway point on. I am not saying it was a struggle to finish it but I felt like maybe it didn't need to be so long. I know there is a point to the filler stuff, and we got to see the relationships between the monsters and the girls but I just wanted a bit more suspense and action. I mean... you get plenty of actions *wink wink* lol but actual action. Things I loved about this book. There is always this air of mystery around who is hurting/murdering the girls who perform at the theater. Who doesn't love a good murder mystery sprinkled into all those naughty parts? I really enjoyed the theme of love and acceptance no matter what you are, who you are, or what you look like. I think Hazel was a bit too much like Esther but I see why she would have to be to make the story work. There were things I could have done without but for the most part, I enjoyed the book. It was a typical naughty Kathryn book :) If you like reverse harem, monster romances with lots of spice this is for you.

I wanted to love this so much. Hazel Nix is a used and slightly jaded woman at the beginning of this book who enjoys her sexual work at the Company of Fiends, but doesn't believe in love or lasting relationships. This setup just doesn't do it for me, and I feel like from what I remember of the first book I thought this book would be slightly different. Honestly, I struggled to get through this book which is very disappointing considering how much I loved the first book. Hunter and Ronan are my favorites from this story, and I enjoyed the plot and steamy scenes. There is nothing bad about this book. It just didn't suit my tastes. Fully recommend the series still.

Kathryn Moon is the queen of RH/monster romance. Periodt
That's my dear, that's what I call a RH.
The spice omg was it on point, honey.
And there was an actual plot I swear 😂 interesting by the way. A continuation of book 1.
I loved how every characters came with their own baggage and see their growth.
Yeah 5 stars well-deserved.