
Moira Tyndale, grew up in a home where her actions were always judged and criticized. So she married a man out of convenience to get away from her family, especially her mother. In her marriage, they never consummated, but then her husband died and she became a widow. A couple years later when her Minnie, is in town for the season, Moira is her chaperone. At a ball one evening, she meets Wynthrope Ryland who asks her sister to dance, and Moira knowing how much older he is from Minnie, she that he can't. However Moira is shocked when he asks her to dance. Moira who is beautiful, sweet, has always had a low opinion of herself due to her families criticism of her. So she tells him "no" thinking that he just wanted to use her to get to her sister. But from the moment that Wynthrope enters Moira life, she knows that she will never be the same, for there is something too different about him. Wynthrope at first was planning on asking Minnie to dance, but upon meeting her sister Moira he is utterly mesmerized by her. He yearns to get to know her better, and when she returns his affections, thus starts their courtship. For a time Wynthrope is thinking that everything is going well, and he has finally found someone to spend his life with. But then his past comes back to haunt his present. His former boss threatens him that will harm his brothers and will harm Moira, if he doesn't steal a tiara that belongs to no other than his precious Moira. He has no idea, what to do, since he doesn't know how to steal something and not have Moira find out, and he is fearing losing her, since she is his salvation and his love. I really enjoyed reading In The Night, it had a mysterious aurora about it, that just compelled me to read it. I loved how throughout this book, you see both the characters grow and change into something so better than before due to them falling in love. Moira has very low self esteem, and thinks that she isn't beautiful or desirable in any way. Once she meets Wynthrope that starts to change. We see her change into a beautiful beautiful from the inside out. Wynthrope is one of those that doesn't think he will ever find a woman that could ever love him for who he is. He was a thief in his past, although at first he was thinking he was working as a spy for the British Government. However, he doesn't know how to prevent his family and the one that he loves from getting hurt if he doesn't hurt Moira in the process by stealing her tiara. Kathryn Smith takes the reader on a journey of learning to love and trust, and how loving someone can give you the strength to overcome any challenge no matter how great or small. It was truly a satisfying and invigorating read that kept me turning the pages, and I couldn't put it down.