Speaking in Bones
No one speaks the language of suspense more brilliantly than Kathy Reichs, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the acclaimed Temperance Brennan series. In Speaking in Bones, the forensic anthropologist finds herself drawn into a world of dark secrets and dangerous beliefs, where good and evil blur. Professionally, Temperance Brennan knows exactly what to do--test, analyze, identify. Her personal life is another story. She's at a loss, wondering how to answer police detective Andrew Ryan's marriage proposal. But the matter of matrimony takes a backseat when murder rears its head. Hazel "Lucky" Strike--a strident amateur detective who mines the Internet for cold cases--comes to Brennan with a tape recording of an unknown girl being held prisoner and terrorized. Strike is convinced the voice is that of eighteen-year-old Cora Teague, who went missing more than three years earlier. Strike is also certain that the teenager's remains are gathering dust in Temperance Brennan's lab. Brennan has doubts about working with a self-styled websleuth. But when the evidence seems to add up, Brennan's next stop is the treacherous backwoods where the chilling recording (and maybe Cora Teague's bones) were discovered. Her forensic field trip only turns up more disturbing questions--along with gruesome proof of more untimely deaths. While local legends of eerie nocturnal phenomena and sinister satanic cults abound, it's a zealous and secretive religious sect that has Brennan spooked and struggling to separate the saints from the sinners. But there's nothing, including fire and brimstone, that can distract her from digging up the truth and taking down a killer--even as Brennan finds herself in a place where angels fear to tread, devils demand their due, and she may be damned no matter what. From the Hardcover edition.

Maggie Gordon@maggieg
Speaking in Bones is the 18th novel in the Temperance Brennan series and the formula remains the same. Temp stumbles on an interesting mystery related to bones, goes off and pretends to be a cop to try and solve it when no one else will, has a lot of helpful dreams, and gets herself terribly beaten up at the end requiring at least one male character to come and bail her ass out. But she solved the mystery and usually bags the bag guy so go Temp! All 18 books have this same set up (and the three novellas), but I love the books anyway. The formula is familiar, but the science and the characters change as the series progress, so I remain interested and enjoy my yearly August beach read.

I love this book series and I love this book.

Jun Sani@jkleseleise

Katie Bell@katiebell

Sarah Chauvidon@sassofsarah


Christine W@ursulathegreat

Tracie McMurray@mrs_mcmurray

Camilla Woodhouse@millicam



Agia T@everblazin06

Lisa Merriam@gravewritings


Agni Laloudi@agni_l

Judith Junghans@meltingsnow

Nina @neena

Venessa Johnstone@venessa

Sarah Agterhuis@saphfyre42

Nadia da Silva @nadz_ds