In Memory of Akira Tonomura

In Memory of Akira Tonomura Physicist and Electron Microscopist(With DVD-ROM)

This memorial volume in honor of Dr Akira Tonomura is to commemorate his enormous contributions to fundamental physics in addition to the basic technology of electron microscopy. Dr Tonomura passed away on May 2, 2012 at the age of 70. He was Fellow of Hitachi, Ltd., Group Director of Single Quantum Dynamics Research Group of RIKEN, Principal Investigator of the FIRST Tonomura Project, and Professor of Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University. The book consists of: 1) contributions from distinguished physicists, who participated in the “Tonomura FIRST International Symposium on Electron Microscopy and Gauge Fields” planned by Tonomura himself and held in Tokyo on May 9–10, 2012, and 2) reprints of key papers by Tonomura and his team. Invited speakers at this Symposium include Chen Ning Yang and other distinguished physicists such as Yakir Aharonov, Gordon Baym, Christian Colliex, Anthony J Leggett, Naoto Nagaosa, Nobuyuki Osakabe and Masahito Ueda. This “memorial” Symposium was originally planned to commemorate the start of the Japanese-government-sponsored FIRST Tonomura Project to construct the 1.2 MV holography electron microscope capable of observing quantum phenomena in the microscopic world. In addition, the book includes contributions from participants of the past ISQM-Tokyo symposia held at Hitachi and from Tonomura's longtime friends, including Michael Berry, Jerome Friedman, Hidetoshi Fukuyama, Joseph Imry, Yoshinori Tokura, Jaw-Shen Tsai, and Anton Zeilinger. The co-editors are Kazuo Fujikawa, Tonomura's longtime friend, and Yoshimasa A Ono who is Tonomura's associate at Hitachi Advanced Research Laboratory and now in the FIRST Tonomura Project. Contents:My Dream of Ultimate Holography Electron Microscope (Akira Tonomura)Biography of Akira Tonomura (April 1942 – May 2012) (Nobuyuki Osakabe)Tonomura FIRST International Symposium on “Electron Microscopy and Gauge Fields” (Yoshimasa A Ono)Recollections of Akira Tonomura:Thank You and Farewell to Tonomura-kun (Hidetoshi Fukuyama)Remembering Akira Tonomura (Michael Berry)Akira Tonomura: An Experimental Visionary (Anton Zeilinger)Dr. Akira Tonomura: Master of Experimental Physics (Kazuo Fujikawa)Gauge Theory and Aharonov-Bohm Effect:Topology and Gauge Theory in Physics (Chen Ning Yang)On the Aharonov-Bohm Effect and Why Heisenberg Captures Nonlocality Better Than Schrödinger (Yakir Aharonov)How the Test of Aharonov-Bohm Effect was Initiated at Hitachi Laboratory (Nobuyuki Osakabe)Some Reflections Concerning Geometrical Phases (Anthony J Leggett and Yiruo Lin)Mesoscopic Aharonov-Bohm Interferometers: Decoherence and Thermoelectric Transport (Ora Entin-Wohlman, Amnon Aharony and Yoseph Imry)Spin Textures and Gauge Fields in Frustrated Magnets (Naoto Nagaosa and Yoshinori Tokura)Gauge Theory and Artificial Spin Ices: Imaging Emergent Monopoles with Electron Microscopy (Shawn D Pollard and Yimei Zhu)Do Dispersionless Forces Exist? (Herman Batelaan and Scot McGregor)Aharonov-Bohm Effect and Geometric Phases — Exact and Approximate Topology (Kazuo Fujikawa)A Brief Overview and Topological Aspects of Gaseous Bose-Einstein Condensates (Masahito Ueda)Application of Electron Microscopy to Quantum Mechanics and Materials Sciences:Mapping Electric Fields with Inelastic Electrons in a Transmission Electron Microscope (Christian Colliex)“The Picture is My Life” (Shuji Hasegawa)Direct Observation of Electronically Phase-Separated Charge Density Waves in Lu2Ir3Si5 by Transmission Electron Microscopy (Cheng-Hsuan Chen)Basic Discoveries in Electromagnetic Field Visualization (Daisuke Shindo)Nanomagnetism Visualized by Electron Holography (Hyun Soon Park)Quantum Physics:Probing the Proton with Electron Microscopy (Jerome I Friedman)Hanbury Brown–Twiss Interferometry with Electrons: Coulomb vs. Quantum Statistics (Gordon Baym and Kan Shen)Vortex Molecules in Thin Films of Layered Superconductors (Alexander I Buzdin)Coherent Quantum Phase Slip (Jaw-Shen Tsai)Coherency of Spin Precession in Metallic Lateral Spin Valves (YoshiChika Otani, Hiroshi Idzuchi and Yasuhiro Fukuma)Transverse Relativistic Effects in Paraxial Wave Interference (Konstantin Y Bliokh, Yana V Izdebskaya and Franco Nori) Readership: Graduate students and researchers in physics, materials science and related fields. Keywords:Electron Microscopy;Akira Tonomura;Quantum Phenomena;Gauge FieldsReviews: “This beautifully produced volume opens with a collection of photographs of Tonomura. As a bonus to all this, a DVD enables us to see the build-up of a two-slit interference pattern and three examples of the movement of vortices. All Tonomura's friends and admirers will want a copy.” Ultramicroscopy
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