Hawkeye Anchor points
Remember Hawkeye? No, not that Hawkeye - your favorite Hawkeye, the former Young Avenger, the butt-kicking hero who had to save that other Hawkguy all the time and basically keep his life in some semblance of order. Yup, you know her, it's the dazzling Kate Bishop - making her solo comics debut! Kate is heading back out west and returning to Los Angeles, with her bow and arrow and P.I. badge in tow. There are crimes to solve and she's the best archer to handle 'em! The City of Angels has a new guardian angel. This is Kate Bishop like you've never seen her before, in a brand-new saga that really hits the mark! Collecting: Hawkeye 1-6.

Nessa Luna@octobertune
I read these already when they were originally released in the trade paperback formats but I wanted to read this entire 'digest size' trilogy (because I bought the third one at comic con) so I decided to reread them. Still love these and Kate so so much!

4 stars | It's good to read about Kate again!

Andrea Mack@wisdomcheck

Melissa Railey@melrailey

Nessa Luna@octobertune

Jéssica Canais@jarrli

Allie Bilawchuk@alliebilawchuk


Nicolás Niño @niconv


Christine Bruce@brucethegirl

Alexa Jade@notajadedreader

Carrington Kinslow@ctonreads

Noemie @lunarreader

Fraser Simons@frasersimons

Monika Petrova@domatenopure