The House of Shadows and Light

The House of Shadows and Light A Story with Pictures

Ken Tate2020
Plato asserted that the world is a visible living entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all related. This idea of the anima mundi-a universal spirit of life-has infused world thought from the beginning of human life. Because he speaks the language of buildings, Ken Tate perceives this animating spirit in every aspect of the house: materials drawn from nature, forms and rhythms with timeless grace, the ever-changing play of light and shadow, and the audible voice of the house. Yes, the voice, which beckons to him even before the first drawing is made, which chooses him as the instrument to find its way into three-dimensions. This voice also communicates with those who dwell in a house-and they commune with it in return. Together, they carry its story forward. This story accompanied by Ken's photos illustrates this boundless spirit of life as it shapes the history of a single house, the people who inhabit it, and the architect who channeled its essence.
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