Invitation to Bridge

Invitation to Bridge

THIS BRIDGE BOOK is unique in several ways. It is specifically designed for persons who do not know one playing card from another. It gives the beginner a solid foundation and approach to the game by means of clear and simple text accompanied by a pictorial presentation of procedure and. play. The hundreds of illustrations and diagrams instruct the novice simply and forcefully, doing away with much of the labored and involved explanation which makes other Bridge books for beginners seem so technical. INVITATION TO BRIDGE does not pretend that it can turn beginners into experts. Rather, it is designed to bring the student to a point where he can sit down with friends, play a game of Bridge with enjoyment, and understand what he is doing and how much he still has to learn. There is an early, brief section devoted to playing cards and their values, particularly as they apply to Bridge. Then follows a graphic, illustrated description of procedure. The middle sections go on to explain how the game is played; how games are begun and ended and scored. A feature of this section is a detailed description in which the reader is invited to "sit in" on a rubber, where the play of every card is illustrated and explained. The later sections of the book discuss basic principles of the game - the theory of bidding, the strategy and tactics of play. In short, INVITATION TO BRIDGE is an invaluable primer for those tens of thousands who have "always wanted to play the game but never found time to learn," and a valuable refresher for the countless thousands who now play Bridge "by ear."
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