Kingdom of the Feared
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Kingdom of the Feared Kingdom of the Wicked #3

Two curses. One prophecy. A reckoning all have feared. And a love more powerful than fate. All hail the king and queen of Hell. Emilia is reeling from a shocking discovery about her sister, Vittoria. But before she faces the demons of her past, Emilia yearns to claim her king, the seductive Prince of Wrath, in the flesh. She doesn’t just desire his body; she wants his heart and soul—but that’s something the enigmatic demon can’t promise her. When a high-ranking member of House Greed is assassinated, damning evidence somehow points to Vittoria as the murderer. Now, Emilia will do anything to get to the bottom of these accusations against the sister she thought she knew. Together, Emilia and Wrath play a sin-fueled game of deception to solve the murder and stop the unrest that’s brewing between witches, demons, shape-shifters, and the most treacherous foes of all: the Feared. Emilia was warned that when it came to the Wicked, nothing was as it seemed. But have the true villains been much closer all along? #1 New York Times bestselling author Kerri Maniscalco delivers sizzling romance, sexy secrets, and unexpected twists in this unforgettable conclusion to the Kingdom of the Wicked series.
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Photo of rhi
5 stars
Jan 15, 2025

“if you die on me now, i’ll hunt you down and drag you back.”

“sounds rather threatening.”

“it’s a fucking promise, my lady.”

~ ♡ 5/5

if you clicked this despite the spoiler warning, this is your second warning. i am about to spoil the shit out of this book because i fear there is no words, but so many at the same time to describe how this book made me feel.

let’s start off with some of the side characters: evny, hated him the first book, warmed up to him the second, and now i absolutely adore him. the way he helped emilia, “rise. just as they always feared you would.” in reality he was one of her biggest supporters (besides wrath obviously).

lust, although he didn’t have much book time whenever he did i guarantee you i was giggling. his little snide comments in the most serious or romantic times was the highlight of some chapters.

now, the plot line. while i felt like it was chaotic, it was a soothing chaotic. so much was happening, but things were actually getting answered this time. woohoo!

EMILIAWRATH!! do not even get me fucking started. their chemistry was everything to me. the way they literally were prepared to die for eachother and wage war on other sins just to save one another. lord i could have died.

wrath loved emilia so much he was forcing his feelings away so she wouldn’t be ripped from him again. and emilia loved wrath so much she gave up her magic???? like you can’t tell me they aren’t soulmates.

when emilia broke the curse and wrath said i love you and he was so scared she’d just vanish. MY HEART.

THE ENDING SCENE?! he gave her half his powers?!? lord i started full sobbing, it was so embarrassing.

all in all, this book was everything. spectacular. amazing. erase my memory so i can read it again. THANK YOU.

UPDATE: have now read this three times and i love it even more every time.

Photo of Aimee :)
Aimee :)@aimees_reading
4 stars
Oct 23, 2024

I did really enjoy this, and catch myself grinning often. I’m so happy with the ending and the relationships / dynamics between each characters, as well as a newer involvement of one. I am curious as to where that will go. I did feel like this would be more high stakes and full of tension when it wasn’t really, but that didn’t really take away from the story and how i felt towards it. A lot of it was very predictable, which obviously isn’t great because i couldn’t follow along with the plot twists.

Photo of Linara K.S
Linara K.S@linara
1 star
Jul 19, 2024

i'm sorry but by the start of the second book i knew this trilogy was a plane crash waiting to happen. The first book: Amazing. The atmosphere of mystery and paranormal activity within old Italy is just *chef's kiss*. There was an actual progression to the romance both coherent to the plot and the characters. Both Wrath and Emilia had distinct voices and personalities. And I loved watching them interact and banter. The second book: Puzzling. I thought we would be entering a new era for our characters and new stakes that are both higher and give them more purpose. We got that, yes. But boiiii was I disappointed by Emilia's decrease in agency and Wrath's constant simping of Emilia. I mean... You're a powerful man with a role to fill in. And never once do I see him play the leader excpt for dramatic effect. His title is overused and only emphasises his 'danger' whenever Emilia and him has any 'spicy' scenes. The third and final book: Plane fucking Crash. There's NOTHING. This book is void of a plot and anything sensibly needing of a story. I don't want to pause on every little thing that bothered and angered me because if I did I would be here too long. PS: I hated Emilia in this book.

Photo of Jen
3 stars
Jun 21, 2024


Photo of Priscilla Stanfield
Priscilla Stanfield@priscillas01
2.5 stars
Jun 17, 2024

2.5/5⭐️ • 3.5/5🌶️

So this book was the nail in the coffin that told me this series wasn’t for me. It also so happened to be the last book of the series. This book has so much but nothing at all and I couldn’t get into it. Most of this book was really spice, which is weird for it being a YA book, and very little plot that made sense because I didn’t know who was the good guy or the bad guy, I had no idea what was trying to be accomplished, and everything felt rushed and hastily explained. I honestly gave up about 60% in because of how many times this book gave me whiplash. I kept saying after I finished book one and two that I was curious of the next one but I should’ve just saved myself the time and stayed that way. Take my review with a grain of salt because a lot of people like this series I just couldn’t get into it because of how random it all felt when reading it.

Photo of Soph
2.5 stars
Jun 2, 2024

got very boring and predictable once resolved main issue

Photo of rudolf
4.5 stars
Apr 25, 2024

I am not very fond of the whole everything-was-a-lie thing. However I really enjoyed this book. I’d the the second one was the best from this series but this one comes shortly after!!!

I loved to see their happy ending❤️

Photo of Megan
2 stars
Apr 15, 2024

this book was a MESS

Photo of liana
1 star
Mar 11, 2024

No. Just no. What the fuck. DNF.

Photo of Sidney Schaffner
Sidney Schaffner@sidschaff
3 stars
Mar 10, 2024

I wish I could give it 3.5 stars.

Photo of akynn
akynn @akynn
4 stars
Mar 9, 2024

breakdown: pages 1-275: 5 stars pages 276-358: 3 stars pages 359-end: 4 stars

Photo of Ariella
5 stars
Mar 6, 2024

Necesito saber si esto será una saga porque no me puede dejar así. Final para los portas EXCELENTE, pero los demás personajes??? Hay demasiados plots que descubrir sobre ellos.

Photo of mirin
4 stars
Mar 4, 2024

leaning more towards 3.5 cause the plot felt a bit messy and i wanted to know more about the other characters in the story (ya know.. cause it's the final book in a trilogy) but still loved the journey and so happy for the ending of emilia and wrath. also horny bonk can they ever be alone in a room together without getting jiggy with it???

Photo of sharkie
3.5 stars
Jan 30, 2024

Good - just not as thrilling and new as the first & second book were.

Photo of sophie
4 stars
Jan 21, 2024

4 stars

Photo of Daphne Li-Chen
Daphne Li-Chen@daphne
2.5 stars
Jan 8, 2024

It was fine (better than the second book because things were actually happening) but not great. It was confusing, the characters fell REALLY flat (main character had so much plot armor and then the “evil” characters alternated erratically between randomly malicious or secretly super nice), and the ending was eh. The conflicts felt really forced and I never really understood what was happening or why it was happening.

Photo of Charlotte Massie
Charlotte Massie@chamassie
4 stars
Jan 7, 2024

** spoiler alert ** I have mixed feelings about this one! I can’t actually rate it 4 stars, it’s more a 3.8 ⭐️. I think Kingdom of the feared was better than the others but I enjoyed it less. We finally had answers! And Emilia is fighting for love and freedom wich is beautiful. Her relationship with Wrath takes a sweet and passionate turn and I loved it. I actually liked Envy in this book, we can see more of him. Which makes sense cause the next book is about him. He just seems misunderstood and sad and lonely. I see a friendship between him and Emilia developing and it’s cute. Now throughout the entire book I hated Vittoria. But at the same time I kind of liked her mean and cruel persona. I have mixed feelings about her too. I could have liked the idea of Emilia turning evil, as long as she stayed with Wrath, but she did not let herself be influenced by Vittoria and she stayed true to her heart, so I was happy about that. I stared reading this book months ago, but realized I wasn’t in the mood (at the time I was in a big reading slump) so I kind of dnf it and kept it for later, and I recently got back into it. I think yet again I wasn’t in the right mood for it, but I still finished it. Maybe it’s just that I wasn’t enjoying it as much as I did with the two first book. I did not like the amnesia and lost of powers tropes. But thankfully Emilia retrieved power at the end. But Emilia, felt to me, stronger, smarter, more independent and she believed in herself, and so did Wrath. He trusted her and her decisions, enough to let her leave him in the dark sometimes. Emilia will be a great queen! To be honest, Kingdom of the feared reminded me a lot of Once a broken heart!

Photo of Betty
3.75 stars
Jan 7, 2024

Didn't enjoy it as much as i was hoping I would.

Photo of Redwineandbookplease
5 stars
Jan 3, 2024

So so so good, I need more!!!!!!!!!!

Photo of Jennifer
3 stars
Dec 22, 2023

I don’t understand why the sister was the villain for a hot second, they finally f*cked, glad it’s over.

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of RJ
0.5 stars
Dec 2, 2023

vittoria is my girl ( i need a book about her and pride and claudia/lucia rn)

i hate the “fmc loses her powers at the end” trope even if she technically got some of it back at the end.

it’s the way all the sins grew on me and i started disliking the one i initially preferred (greed)

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of Zoë Mauldin
Zoë Mauldin@zoe_m
5 stars
Oct 30, 2023

Wow; second time completing this series. Still so incredible.

Photo of Cissy
4 stars
Sep 8, 2023

Best one in the series

Photo of June
3 stars
Aug 14, 2023

This book wasn't actually bad, I kind of enjoyed it but I was thrown off about the whole plot changing completely from the first two books as well as everything we knew basically being a lie, this kind of trope is not for me. Alot of this book confused me because it didn't seem to make alot of sense. Vittoria was an even worse character than Emilia by the way. The ending wasn't really good either, Emilia didn't deserve such a happy ending after being annoying for three entire books


Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

‘He looked like sin incarnate, and as his magic enveloped me, I thanked the goddess he was mine.’

Page 401


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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

“One thing I can promise you.”


“I can be very, very wicked, my love.”

Page 400


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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

“When I first saw you again, I hated you.”

“I hated you because in that moment, I remembered. Just as the witch said I would. For the first time in years, my memories of you came flooding back. Instead of recognition or relief, I sensed your fear, then your fury, and I’d realised that the curse hadn’t been broken. That there was only a slight crack. I hated you because you’d become one of the very creatures who’d torn us apart. You’d adopted their ways. You despised me; I felt it each time you were near. I vowed to leave you to your own choices, to stand aside while you sorted through your own path, even if that meant you’d choose to be a Star Witch.”

A darkness crossed my husband’s features.

“When I'd met that human boy in the monastery, Antonio, I was prepared to leave you forever. But then you’d said my true name, and I wondered. Perhaps you did remember, somewhere deep inside. Perhaps there was something the curse hadn’t corrupted.” His expression shifted again as if this admission cost him. “I told you to never call me Samael again, not because you’d said my name, but because I did not want your witch family to use it against us. If they knew we’d found each other again, against all odds, I hated to think what they might do to tear us apart.”

“I’d wondered about that.”

“The curse kept me from saying certain things, as you know. Which ultimately gave us an opportunity to get to know each other all over again. We err both different in some ways. I wasn’t sure if we’d still fit as we used to. But little by little, you slipped inside .”

I smiled at that. “Once, when I’d found myself in your mind after the Viperidae attack, I felt your fear. I had the impression I was like a splinter, burrowing under your skin.”

“It did feel that way.” Wrath’s deep chuckle was unexpected and warm. “I'd wanted vengeance against Sursea, and I want my wings back more than anything.” His magnificent wings flapped to punctuate the point. “Somewhere along the way, I stared to want something else more. You. I didn’t simply want your body. I wanted your heart. Your mind. I wanted a partner. A confidante. Someone to walk through hell with, and someone who could also show me heaven. Someone unafraid to challenge me, who called me on my shit. I wanted my equal. Fury.”

Page 394

I do love a love confession without saying it ☺️

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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

“I like to watch what happens after the puzzle is pieced together. What happens after that last chapter? That is the part of the story I’m always most intrigued by. Who rises up next, a hero or villain? There are certainly many more tales that have yet to be told.”

Page 384

Kerri is straight up teasing me

Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

‘Wrath leaned forward, pressing a tender kiss to my heart.’

Page 357


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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

‘He brought his mouth close to mine and whispered, “I love you.”

Page 346


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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

‘Wrath shook slightly, burying his face in my hair, and I realised it wasn’t sweat, but tears. I mustered enough energy to wrap my arms around him, holding him as he wept.’

Page 340

Sobbing. The devil. The devil is crying, I’m crying 😭🫶🏼

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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

“Please. Don’t keep your heart from me out of fear.”

Page 336


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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

“Sometimes I dream. Of a life I think I might have lived. A man I might have loved. But it always ends in a nightmare. With him ripping out my heart. Other times it’s me who tears it from my own chest. Or sometimes even his.”

Page 331

Really need them to have their own book 🥺

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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20


“My dark angel.”

Page 318

I need help 🫠

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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

“You’re so incredibly beautiful, Emilia.”

Page 227

Mans out here giving me goosebumps and butterflies

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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

“How am I looking at you, my lady?”


“You certainly don’t look like you hate me, demon.”

“Hatred is the last thing I feel when I look at you.”

Page 226


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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

“But they didn’t plan for one thing.”

“Which is?”

“You cannot be replicated.”

I gave him sardonic look. “I have a twin.”

“Doesn’t matter.” Wrath lifted a shoulder. “I always knew you. And always will. Your soul calls to mine. It’s a feeling of coming home. Of peace. No magic can duplicate it.” For a second I forgot how to breathe. We held each other’s gazes, and after a moment, Wrath’s lips curved in a troublesome grin. “Plus, no one manages to look at me with such fury and desire like you do.”

Page 223

The eyes chico, they never lie :)

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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

‘Wrath leaned back in his throne, a cruel tilt to his lips. Here sat an amused devil, delighting in his equally wicked queen.’

Page 210

It’s giving Jurdan 😁🫶🏼

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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

“You are my match in every way. Anything that’s mine belongs to you. Never forget that.”

Page 199


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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

‘We truly were a match made in Hell.’

Page 193
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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

“And if she takes you against your will again, I will hunt her down. I will hurt her. Slowly. And painfully. Her death will be so brutal, so vile, it will serve as a warning for anyone who dares to touch my wife. Once I’m through, there will be nothing left for my hounds.”

Page 191


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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

‘The goddess of death remembered.’

Page 186
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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

‘They’d been hiding me from Wrath. They knew he would stop at nothing to claim me, to destroy what the witches had done. He’d bided his time; he’d searched. And even through his hate, he never let that ember of love die.’

Page 184

Sobbing 🥹

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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

“In the beginning, the Prince of Wrath was cursed to forget all but his hate.”

Page 179
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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

“You’re mine.” His voice was rough, deep,

“Just as you are mine. Forever.”

Page 171


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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

“Are you that willing to give up your heart to find out?” He asked.

“For you? I’d give my heart up.”

Page 166


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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

“If you do not allow me to pass, I will return. And when I come back, I’ll have the might of House Wrath’s army. No one will keep me from him. Not you. Not my sister. Not any other cursed creature in this realm or any other. If I come back, I will unleash my power. I will burn all you hold dear. That, I can promise, is no threat.” I dragged my blade across my palm, letting blood drip all over his beautiful floors. He watched, his brows rising slightly. “It’s a vow.”

Page 155

We love a ruthless goddess!

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Photo of Levi-Mae
Levi-Mae @leebilou20

“If Wrath can’t ever give you his heart, would you still fight for him?”

“I can only hope one day you won’t have to ask me such a question,” I said. “That my actions will speak louder than my words.”

Page 152
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