Hunting Prince Dracula
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Hunting Prince Dracula

In this hotly anticipated sequel to the haunting #1 bestseller Stalking Jack the Ripper,bizarre murders are discovered in the castle of Prince Vlad the Impaler, otherwise known as Dracula. Could it be a copycat killer ... or has the depraved prince been brought back to life? Following the grief and horror of her discovery of Jack the Ripper's true identity, Audrey Rose Wadsworth has no choice but to flee London and its memories. Together with the arrogant yet charming Thomas Cresswell, she journeys to the dark heart of Romania, home to one of Europe's best schools of forensic medicine...and to another notorious killer, Vlad the Impaler, whose thirst for blood became legend. But her life's dream is soon tainted by blood-soaked discoveries in the halls of the school's forbidding castle, and Audrey Rose is compelled to investigate the strangely familiar murders. What she finds brings all her terrifying fears to life once again.
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Photo of Anna Oeltjenbruns
Anna Oeltjenbruns@annaoel
4 stars
Sep 2, 2024

you’ve bewitched me kerri maniscalco, this shit rules

Photo of Linara K.S
Linara K.S@linara
3 stars
Jul 19, 2024

eh. It wasn't exciting. Perhaps i'm not one for murder-msteries.

Photo of Kate Gonzales
Kate Gonzales@keyt_reads
4 stars
Jul 13, 2024

I am really enjoying this series. I am always excited with their adventure and how I am also guessing with them.

Photo of Ellie M.
Ellie M.@arthieshelved
5 stars
May 5, 2024

An exquisitely haunting and beautiful sequel to Stalking Jack The Ripper. Maniscalco does a beautiful way of capturing her readers’ minds by painting the perfect horror story. The medieval touch and folklore incorporated with the most intriguingly mysterious characters creeped me out in the best way possible. Not to mention Thomas and Audrey Rose’s friendship and romantic attachments have become stronger than ever. Now, only these two would flirt with each other on the hunt for a murderer. My adoration for these two are through the roof! I love that their adventures went from stalking a serial killer roaming the streets of London to a murderer on the hunt for blood in a gothic setting.

Photo of Rosie Qua
Rosie Qua@bookreaderroo
5 stars
Apr 13, 2024

They're easy, fun, suspenseful, books. Not mad.

Photo of Kaylee Ray
Kaylee Ray@epeolatri
5 stars
Apr 5, 2024

i love cressworth

Photo of Annalissa Powner
Annalissa Powner @annalissa222
5 stars
Mar 3, 2024

I always find it so amazing when a sequel is better than the first book instead of being a terrible mess. Hunting prince Dracula was a heavenly mix of puzzling suspense, dark fantasy and blush worth banter. With a mix of legend and science this book was both vivid and a bit dark at time but with the constant Cresswell comments it was able to keep from becoming too uncomfortable. Some characters I was sad to not get the chance to know better but all in all it was a wonderful read. Out of many ya leading ladies I do enjoy that Aubrey Rose keeps her head more often than not, yes she losses her temper from time to time but when dealing with what she has in the ripper adventure I would say she did pretty well this book, and I love that she is able to fight to be tested fairy without being overly whiny about being a girl in a then mans world. The ending was beyond words, a twist I would never have seen coming, though I suspected the murder the reasoning was shocking. Like the first novel the ending was worthy of a standing elevation, bravo. I can’t believe I have to wait almost a year to see what adventures await this hilarious duo!

Photo of nina
nina @ninaisreading
5 stars
Jan 10, 2024

4.75 stars edit on reread: 4.5 stars

Photo of Vivi
4 stars
Jan 7, 2024

★★★★☆ (4) “Monsters were in the eye of the beholder. And no one wanted to discover their hero was the true villain of the story.” Honestly, iba a darle 3 estrellas, quizás 3.5, pero estoy demasiado enamorada de Thomas y él se merece todas las estrellas del mundo. RTC

Photo of nuélle
4 stars
Jan 7, 2024

[4.5/5] "For there are no limits to the stars; their numbers are infinite. Which is precisely why I measure my love for you by them. An amount too boundless to count." SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UPPPPPPPP the dark academia gothic vibes?? being academic rivals and lovers???? the mystery ? the adventure??? the fucking ball room dance ??? I LOVED ALL OF IT WHEN WILL THAT HAPPEN TO ME IRL AGHHH

Photo of marta
marta @mmartta
3 stars
Dec 22, 2023


Photo of Annabella
3 stars
Nov 27, 2023

The slump is over hopefully

Photo of Lisa Sepulveda
Lisa Sepulveda@lsepulvedareads
4 stars
Aug 6, 2023

Another whirlwind adventure and romance I love this second installment of Audrey roses adventures she once again is a heroin after my own heart. While I did have a few gripes here’s and there about how the plot was furthered so easily and items were so readily available for our dynamic duo this read was still fun and fast with that element of gothic mystery and horror I love. I recommend this for anyone who loves a good romance in a less contemporary setting. I can’t wait to read Escaping from Houdini next !

Photo of Liz Hunsaker
Liz Hunsaker@elizabethanne
4.5 stars
May 7, 2023

Sequel did not disappoint‼️

Photo of Courtney
5 stars
Apr 28, 2023

So impressed! After feeling like the first one was too predictable and cliche, this masterpiece emerges! I enjoyed this one so much more than the first! It was so aesthetic and atmospheric! I will absolutely be picking up the third book!

Photo of Kimberly Burgess
Kimberly Burgess @fernweh_and_haven
4 stars
Mar 22, 2023

I love Kerri's writing style, and this series is so creative! I haven't had this much fun with a fascinating monster mystery series since I was a kid reading mystery books. The quality of the audiobooks is top notch.

Photo of Faith Kitowski
Faith Kitowski@faithkitowski
4 stars
Mar 20, 2023

4.5/5. gaaaaaa. thomas is so funny and charming it’s insane. i’m not giving it 5 stars though because there were a few parts that were kinda dragged out but for the most part it was so good!!! i can’t wait to read the next!

Photo of dija
3 stars
Feb 9, 2023

Predictable. Thomas cresswell carried

Photo of Ria
3.5 stars
Jan 28, 2023

I can say I didn’t like this book as much as the first. I don’t know exactly why but I feel it’s due to the book taking so long to get going! I also struggled a bit to remember the previous books events which made the task of understanding some plot elements a bit harder, which may have decreased the rating a bit (my own fault that). Thomas was delightful I really like this character, Audrey however...I have mixed feelings. She really does spend sooo much time complaining about how she’s perceived and thinking about how “against society” she’s being. We really don’t need the constant remainder honestly! It got a bit repetitive and I was getting a bit bored of her dialogue at some points, so much complaining. She is lovely in other aspects though and I can’t say I hate her! The romance was cute in this book and is something I’ll be looking forward to seeing develop in later books. One thing about Audrey though...stop bloody complaining about your corset girl!! Stop!! The writing of these books, despite me getting a little lost at times, is impeccable. The research and such that goes into these books must take so so long, they’re so well written in the historical aspects and they’re really informative and quite educational. I enjoyed all the historical and medical aspects of the story and how to my knowledge accurate to the time period they were! The writing good, the pacing a bit sketchy at times is what brings this down from a 4 for me. Alas, I did enjoy myself and I did read it within 24 hours!

Photo of brianna
3 stars
Jan 22, 2023

would willingly become a pick me for thomas cresswell

Photo of Courtney
5 stars
Dec 30, 2022

When I thought Stalking Jack the Ripper was the best murder mystery, and then I read Hunting Prince Dracula. So good. I truly enjoyed this take on the history of Dracula and Vlad the Impaler. The murderers are so obscured you have no idea whodunnit and then when you think you know…bam they are unalived! Where SJTR was set in London with the English as the backdrop and the murders were gruesome and gory, HPD’s takes us to the heart of Romania with characters from different corners of the world and the murderer takes on the myths of Dracula (orginated from Vlad the Impaler) and the Strigoi. This story is rich in history with obvious liberties taken to keep with the fictitious storyline and murders. One thing I loved about this story is the relationship development between Audrey Rose and Thomas Cresswell. As friends and (hinted) couple, they make an amazing team. Audrey Rose is pulling herself put of the terrible aftermath of SJTR, she has yet to truly deal with the outcomes and is having nightmarish visions. Thomas is trying to comfort her, be a dear friend and also show her his true intentions/feelings. Audrey Rose continues to be the strong willed heroine who sticks with the case even in the face of danger, solves the mystery and saves her dear Cresswell. I love the budding romance alongside the mystery.

Photo of indy roozendal
indy roozendal@indy
4 stars
Oct 31, 2022

You favor the color, but not nearly as much as I find myself favoring you. There is nothing, genuinely NOTHING like a book that has a good romance. I love solving crime books even if it hurts my head. I am proud to admit I guessed the culprit once more. I would have been quite sad If my crazy theory had been wrong. Although there were a few plotholes I immensly enjoyed this book. Maybe a little bit boring compared to the first but this isn't usually my genre of books to begin with. I wanted to write out a full review but instead I'll say this: Cressworth carried.

Photo of Thais Souza Passos
Thais Souza Passos@thaayp
4 stars
Oct 22, 2022

THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Photo of Sky McDade
Sky McDade@everosewitch
5 stars
Oct 18, 2022

I loved this book even more than the first one. I Love how addictive the writing style is. You never know who the villian is until the very end. I love it so much. This series really is fantastic! #CressworthForever


Photo of Riley 🫶
Riley 🫶@rileysbooks

Meet me in my chambers at midnight.

Ever yours,


Page 99
Photo of Chrissie Smith
Chrissie Smith@chrissiesmith

"Easy now, Wadsworth. The forest doesn't have fangs." "Thank you for that reminder, Cresswell," I said sweetly. "What rould I do without you?" He turned to me, expression as serious as I'd ever witnessed it. You would miss me terribly and know it. Just as I would miss you in ways I cannot fathom, should we ever part."

Page 41
Photo of Chrissie Smith
Chrissie Smith@chrissiesmith

Science was an altar I knelt before, and it blessed me with solace.

Page 24
Photo of Chrissie Smith
Chrissie Smith@chrissiesmith

"The world is neither kind nor is it cruel. It simply exists. We have the ability to view it however we choose."

Page 22
Photo of Chrissie Smith
Chrissie Smith@chrissiesmith

"You've stared Fear in its nasty face and made it tremble. You will make it through this, Wadsworth. We will make it through this. That’s a fact more tangible than any dream or nightmare. I promised I'd never lie to you. I intend to honor my word."

Page 22
Photo of Chrissie Smith
Chrissie Smith@chrissiesmith

his mouth tugged upward. His crooked smile invited thoughts that Aunt Amelia would have found completely indecent. And the way his gaze fell to my own lips told me he knew it. Fiend.

"Poe? Will you carve my heart out and place it beneath your bed, then, Wadsworth? I must admit, it's not an ideal way of ending up in your sleeping quarters."

Page 12

I love the way he teases Audrey Rose.

Photo of Chrissie Smith
Chrissie Smith@chrissiesmith

He shifted his attention to me, deep brown eyes turning thoughtful for a moment. It was that precise look warm and inviting as a patch of sunshine on a crisp autumn day that meant trouble.

Page 11

Thomas 🥰

Photo of egdaliz borrero
egdaliz borrero@dalidallas

Without meaning to, I dropped my gaze to his cutaway coat. The midnight hue of both it and the matching waistcoat offset his dark features well, though I had a feeling it was something he was quite aware of. The way his own gaze lingered on my lips confirmed that thought.

Page 37
Photo of Delfina Richard
Delfina Richard @delfi_richard13

Me echarias de menos terriblemente y lo sabes. Tal como yo te extrañaría de formas que no puedo imaginar, si nos separamos.

Page 52

Thomas Cresswell 🤍

Photo of Sasha Mann
Sasha Mann@finalgirlreads

I could handle removing organs from corpses, and rooting around inside the gelatinous innards of most deceased things. I was not above admitting that a spider burrowing into my hair was too much

Page 357

Same, Audrey, same. I freaking hate spiders.

Photo of Sarah
Sarah @sarahfathim1787

“I refused to glance down. With each new limb I climbed up, the parchment grew closer. I was halfway to the top when a clavicle snapped beneath my feet. I hung, suspended in the air, swinging from side to side as if I were a living pendulum. “You’ve got it, Wadsworth!” My fingers shook with the effort of maintaining my grip. “And if you don’t… I’ve got you. I believe.” “Not comforting, Cresswell!”

just a little bit of cressworth the day before boards 💪

Photo of Taylor

“I do agree that love is wonderful," I began slowly, not wanting to offend, "but there's also a certain magic in being perfectly content with one's own company. I believe greatness lies within. And is ours to harness or unleash at will."

Photo of Madison Bowyer
Madison Bowyer@madibowyer

"I do agree that love is wonderful," I began slowly, not wanting to offend, "but there's also a certain magic in being perfectly content wIth one's own company. I believe greatness lies within. And is ours to harness or unleash at will.”

Page 121
Photo of Madison Bowyer
Madison Bowyer@madibowyer

Science was an altar I knelt before, and it blessed me with solace.

Page 24
Photo of Madison Bowyer
Madison Bowyer@madibowyer

Science gave me a me purpose. It was something to lose myself in other than my own mad thoughts.

Page 23
Photo of Jade Hérail
Jade Hérail @jaededchessie

It had a pleasing ink and paper smell that reminded me of sticking my nose in an old book. Antique pages were a scent that should be bottled up and sold to those who adored the aroma

Pg 82