Tinsel in a Tangle
"Is it too much to ask for a fairy queen to have a nice holiday? After accepting the role as Queen of the Exiles in Shady Grove, Alabama, Grace finds that being in charge isn't all it's cracked up to be. An influx of wayward fairies find their way to the newly established haven and seek the protection of the local fairy queen. Grace and company are just trying to have a normal holiday when it's interrupted by a daily menace that escalates out of control. Add to it an untimely visit by a coven of witches, and the holiday is quickly going to hell in a Christmas decorated handbasket. Plus, Grace is sick for the first time in her long life. She might get some sleep, if her bard, Levi would quit banging his new girlfriend the trailer. This hilariously mad romp leading up to Christmas Day has lots of love, giving and havoc! Tissues may be required."--Amazon.com.