
This is not usually my type of book but giving it a chance has turned me into a fan. Definitely not your mother's romance novel, King is without a doubt an Alpha male that will fight for what is his and Doe is who he considers his. Fair warning this does end in a WTF cliffhanger the good news is Tyrant is out so you don't have to wait to find out what happens.

This book is awesome!!! It might not what you expect on the cheesy romance novel you always ready but this love is different kind of love!!

Enjoy it, a decent MC romance, but what a cliffhanger, thankfully the second book comes out in a couple months. But seriously if I had known I would have waited until the second book came out before reading it. What I enjoyed most was how this author made me fall in love with characters I wasn't sure I liked at first, but I was slowly won over. Can't wait to see what happens next. It is tough and gritty but a powerful love story. I would highly recommend to MC romance lovers.

1. Insta-love. 2. The lead female character is so young that is makes all the sex kind of gross. 3. There is really nothing attractive or redeeming about any of the male characters. They are all a bunch of f-uped losers on power trips. UGH.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t care much for anyone except Preppy. It was still entertaining.

Rating: 2 Stars - Ok Spoil Free Review Bummer King did not work out for me. I was all in for a Dark Read. Did not start out that way and was not really getting into King the hero. But darn it T.M. Frazier got me hooked and was gradually liking him. Even though I was in the mood for a Dark read and for it not going in that direction I was enjoying it and could not swipe my kindle fast enough. King was moody and sexy all at the same time. The sexual tension and dirty talk was good and I loved his hot and cold moments towards Doe the heroine. His character was so unpredictable. But one thing that was given he would do anything even kill if anybody hurt someone he cared for. Love seeing the good, gentle and badass side to his character. As for the plot I had to know who Doe was? Would she find out? Nice twist with that as I never guessed it. The secondary characters Preppy and Bear. Loved them as they had their own voice and personalities. Preppy added so much interest in the story but never over took it. His tatted up body-button up shirt-bow tie-suspender wearing smartass character was odd, sexy and refreshing. Now for the bad. The flow of the book was terrible. The book took a huge turn around and out of the blue it became dark. Again I was in the mood for a dark read but the execution of this was so off. Three major incidents that were shocker moments felt like they were just thrown in the story. Not flushed out at all. There were no after affects. I did not even get a chance to let anything sink in to what the fuck just happened and became disconnected from the characters. Especially King his actions were so off during these incidents hated him after the first incident and lost respect for him on the second incident. The ending was good. But the damaged has been done and already lost my connections with the characters. Originally posted at Wickedly Delicious Book Blog


You know how after you read a book for the first time, you wish you could go back and read it over and over again for the first time? That is how I feel about King!! This was my first book by T.M. Frazier and it has moved to one of my top absolute favorites ever!!! Doe has no recollection of who she is or where she came from. She just knows that she is living on the street and will do anything for food. Even going as far as selling herself to someone to claim as theirs. This is exactly how she finds herself in the house of someone they call King. Brantley King just returned home after being incarcerated for 3 years. His best friends Preppy and Bear are throwing him a homecoming party he could care less about. That is until he meets Doe. After leaving her in his room, he comes back to find that her friend is sneaking out his window with his money she just stole from him. Doe tries to explain she had nothing to do with it and her friend gets away, leaving her behind. Now Doe is trapped in King's house handcuffed to his bed. He says she has to pay her debt to him and he owns her until it is settled. What they don't expect, is the feelings that begin showing up while she is there. King is just one of those books that will just remain with you forever. I hope you enjoy it has much as I did #becausepancakes.


Para poder leer todo este libro, uno debe tener la mente abierta, demasiada, abierta diría, pues hay escenas, que personalmente, creí que no soportaría leer. Si, admito, había momentos donde dije "no, esto ya esta fuera de mis limites" pero ¡vamos! esto es lo que pasa en la vida real, la crueldad, la brutalidad a la que las mujeres inocentes deben pasar por el simple hecho de estar en el momento equivocado en el tiempo equivocado (algo así va la frase) King, aun sigo buscando a alguien con quien comparar a este personaje, pero ninguno me viene a la cabeza, King es el chico malo, y no me refiero al típico chico malo que por dentro es soft, pero tampoco me refiero a que sea "sanguinario" No hubo nada forzado, nada demasiado pesado o hasta incluso irreal, en cuanto a leerle a King, osea, sí, al principio era el macho alfa oscuro que se cree el dueño del mundo, pero, había algo en él que me hizo querer saber más aun de él, y valió la pena seguir leyendo, porque en las demas novelas "parecidas", terminan romantizado al chico malo, pueeeeees, aqui no, o amas a King con todos sus defectos (y voy a necesitar mas dedos en mis manos para mencionarlos) o NO AMAS A KING. Doe, la chica del que trata la novela, es, la chica que suena a una damisela en apuros pero no es una damisela en apuro (nosecomoexplicarjeje) Me ha gustado mucho Doe, aunque este en problemas, demuestra cierto determinismo hacia seguir adelante, (aunqueellanosepaquienes). luego esta Preppy, un personaje secundario del que me he encariñado un chiqui, (no me gustó ciertas ideologias salvajes y bruscas que presentaba este personaje) pero obviando eso, PREPPY, se robó muchas escenas, (muchas=demasiadas) hahahah. Mis expectativas de esta novela no eran muy altas, "pensé en la típica historia de chico malo salva a chica buena, se enamora, pasa algo que le dificulte estar juntos luego lo resuelven y PAM se declaran amor puro" BAAAAAM, esta novela trajo mas drama que todas las telenovelas mexicanas (micomparaciónhahaha), habia tantas cosas sucediendo que no podia dejar de leer, y el final... ESE FINAL E S E F I N A L FUE...........EL MAYOR "QUEEEEEE...." DE mi vida como lectora. RE-recomendadísimo.

** spoiler alert ** Sigh why did I read this It ends on a cliffhanger I’m not about that shit

Oh my King, what did I just read? A heart wrenching ending, that's what. This book blew me away in the way that T.M. Frazier did with Dark Light of Day. Man, this book was good. It kept me up late last night, my eyes not willing to stop reading for me to get some sleep. *Full review coming soon*

I’ll be honest, I didn’t care much for anyone except Preppy. It was still entertaining.