
3.5/5 ⭐️

this was some good fucking shit

Okay so I do not f it's my fault or the book fault. The last few weeks, I have been struggling to enjoy any book. Either I don't finish it or I force myself to read until the end. *sigh* So why did I not like the book? I didn't like the romance between the main characters at all. (Book summary): Falcon has been hunting King for more than 4 years after he escaped him, and ever since, Falcon has been obsessed with King making it his sole mission on arresting him. King, the cocky art thief steals more art pieces and keeps taunting poor Falcon. And then Kalcon finds him and ask him for his help. I know this is enemy to lover romance, and believe me it's my favourite genre. But with this book? I didn't enjoy it. The thing I hate the most is love-at-first-sight and of course lust-at-first-sight. and in this book, the two characters are all over each other?? Doesn't make sense. You can't convince me that after hating the guy and hunting him, you can't wait to sleep with him. Nope, not for me. There are other issues I had with the book, but the above was my biggest problem.