Kings Cage

This is another re-read of this series. I fell in love with this series in 8th grade and it's still one of my comfort reads. I really enjoyed listening to the audiobook and just putting it on whenever I could. I think Maven is a really complex character with a lot of layers to him that no one is able to understand. Mare and Cal's relationship is so powerful, they would do anything to be together. The ending of this book always blows my mind and I can never fathom it. I'm excited to finish this series!

It was a little slow at times, but I really enjoyed it.

I’m so mad abt the ending

This one broke my heart and that’s all I can say.


"To the Kingdom of the Rift."
Oh oh

Elane Haven is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in any capacity, but she looks best in moonlight.
I knew it

I want to see Elane again.
Is it just me who sees the potential there or is it just me

Maven is below the Treasury. He has a train," I say as we clamber away together. His arm tightens around me. He steers us toward the main gate, quickening his pace with every step. "I'm not here for Maven."
I’m screaming

"You want to thank me, Barrow?" she mutters, kicking away the last of my bindings. “Then keep your word. And let this fucking place burn."
I was so right about her omg

Evangeline grabs my jaw, forcing me to look at her. I've never seen her so desperate, not even in the arena. Her eyes waver and her lower lip trembles. "You lost your brother. Don't take mine."
Ahhh Evangeline I always liked you

Evangeline isn't going to take me to the train. She's going to kill me. She's going to end this.
First ihr yes second one no I was right to have hope

Caz, Brecker
Im sorry but this is too funny….

My heart sinks in my chest. Evangline will personally make sure I get on that train.
Once again I have hope for her that she will actually turn to the right side…don’t disappoint me Evangeline because if you do you are not worthy of this name

With one hand still aiming her pistol, the blue-haired woman raises the other. Lightning rips out of the sky. It crashes toward the circle of Sentinels. She has deadly aim.
There is another one?!

You think I enjoy seeing you like this?" he murmurs. You think I want to keep you a prisoner?" Something hitches in his breath. "Ir's the only way youll stay with me." Water sloshes over his hands as he draws them back and forth.
It’s so toxic and um so here for it

Then she laughs to herself. "I assumne his mother spent a good amount of time there" TL:
I like her

And so one war is ended.
Feels to easy

She is relieved.
Ofc she is she was supposed to marry Maven you of all should get that Mare

“Then I want your word, Maven Calore." "You have it " "Your word and your hand. The strongest bond you can make." Oh.
This is getting interesting

I am not Mare Barrow. I will not give my brother to this.
As if she did it willingly

“Thomas." A boy at the war front. Another Red lost to a useless war. My first real friend, Maven told me once. I realize now the spaces between those words. The things unsaid. He loved that boy as he claims to love me.
Now that’s new

“No.” Hes not as good a liar as Mare is.
We all know he would take it in a heartbeat

But I just can't move, and he just won't die.
That would have been to good to be true I guess

I've seen suicide pills before. Even though I shut my eyes, I knoy what happens next. It's better than what Samson would have done. And her secrets stay secrets. Forever.
I liked nanny

And then his hair bleeds gray, shortens, recedes to a different head with a different face.
Oh come on not her

"Silent Stone. You make all your decisions sitting there."

But who could he possibly be communicating with?
What are you hiding Cal?

I frown at her appearance. Despite the table hiding her stomach, her condition has begun to show. Her face and fingers look swollen. Not to mention the three plates piled with food scraps.
….idk about that but I don’t like it