Assembly Language for Intel-based Computers
Designed for students and professionals interested in learning the basics of operating systems and architecture in the context of a microprocessor. In his third edition, Kip Irvine concentrates on the combined Windows/MS-DOS operating system and thoroughly covers assembly language for Intel-based computers. Focusing on how to approach programming problems with a machine-level mindset, Assembly Language for the Intel-Based includes the following features: All programs tested with the Microsoft( MASM 6.11( assembler and the Borland( TASM 4.0( assembler. Deconstructs and analyzes the bit-level encoding of machine instructions. Includes examples of linking to C / C++ programs in both Real and Protected modes. Shows how to write in-line assembly code in C++. Introduces all non-protected 32-bit instructions, shows how to perform 32 bit arithmetic. Includes a tutorial on using floating-point instructions. Improved keyboard and video information, including a bitmap display, ISR, and TSR examples. Includes a new section on writing characters and attributes directly to video RAM. CD-ROM includes the full professional version of the Microsoft( MASM 6.11( Assembly Language Development System, a programmer's editor, a macro library, and the book's source code. CD-ROM includes a valuable link library that may be used by students for console I/O in all of their programs.