A Hunger Like No Other Immortals After Dark #1

3.5 stars. foi bem desconfortável as atitudes do lachlain no início, mas tudo se explica depois e torna a leitura mais agradável.

** spoiler alert ** 2.75⭐ I still can't figure it how the heck they fell in live with each other ? The chemistry was weird and didn't connect with them. Another hole in my understanding is how did she freaking kill Demestriu ?? Clearly he just gave himself in. Anyway it was an OK read.

actual rating: 2.5

After my stint with the novella, The Warlord Wants Forever, I eagerly dived into A Hunger Like No Other. I was hoping to get this one on audio, as I looked forward to hearing Robert Petkoff’s voice again. However, it was not meant to be leaving me stuck with reading the ebook. I had a good reading experience, but I am sure the audio would have delivered a better one. In A Hunger Like No Other we meet Lachlain MacRieve and Emmaline Troy. Lachlan is the leader of the Lykae Clan in Scotland. Emmeline is a one-of-a-kind Immortal, half vampire, half Valkyrie. Lachlain had been imprisoned by an evil vampire for 150 years. His many attempts to escape failed. However, when he scented his mate, he made a last-ditch effort to escape his chains. Emmeline, raised by Valkyries, lived a sheltered life. At 70 years of age, she is what one would consider a baby in the Immortal world. She was in Paris searching for information about her biological father when Lachlain captured her. Despite the dark and edgy start, A Hunger Like No Other delivered an entertaining story and the ending made the journey worthwhile. Emmeline and Lachlain shared a tumultuous yet scorching romance. Emmaline had a hard time accepting that she was the mate to a werewolf. Werewolves and vampires hated each other. It took some time for Lachlain to come to grips with this. Lachlain went through hell at the hands of vampires, but I didn’t appreciate his initial treatment of Emmaline when he discovered her vampiric nature. One could understand the reason for his actions if it was any other vampire, but Emmaline was shy and innocent. Traits which were clear even to a blind person. However, as the story developed, he acknowledged his error in judgment and we slowly see his softer and endearing side coming to light. The story portrayed Emmaline as someone who feared her own shadow. However, at the point when it mattered most, her true nature came to light and what a revelation. It shows when one has something worth fighting for, one will go above and beyond. The story not only gave readers romance, but it also delivered suspense and action sprinkled with a dash of humour. The humour aided in balancing out the darkness. The supporting cast added to the excitement. I am interested in learning more about them and will definitely look to pick up their story. A Hunger Like No Other satiated my need for an intense romantic adventure featuring strong characters. If you enjoy dark paranormal romance, then A Hunger Like No Other will make a great addition to your library.

This was an interesting read. I struggled with it for a while. I liked the concept of it, a person breaking free of years of torture after the mere scent of his mate inspires him to escape was kind of awesome and then to discover she is of the vampires, who held him captive. I liked that kind of conflict, or the potential for it because Lachlain has been waiting centuries to meet his mate, the one person whom he would do anything for and will have a connection with and then to find she is one of the enemy, the people who held him and tortured him for decades, then you just now it'll be an interesting romance to navigate. I'd hoped for him to be conflicted over his mate being one of his enemy and then for her to struggle with the fact that she was classified as a mate, almost like a possession and for them to slowly navigate being together. I wanted some conflict and for him to struggle overcoming his torture and I got that, but I also got plenty I didn't like either. The problem was, it felt like Emma had no choice in any of it. He kidnaps her and keeps forcing himself upon her. He never crosses the line but it's such a blurry line and I honestly felt uncomfortable with the utter indifference to consent which was happening. Sure, you could argue that although consent was not explicitly given, by the time they actually sleep together it is implied, but considering how those circumstances happened and everything before the lack of consent was crazy uncomfortable. That put me off the book a whole heap. It wasn't cool and it wasn't good and I know that consent is a dubious thing in a lot of romance, certainly older romance but this book isn't that old so I didn't get it. I am not giving up on the series entirely, I've seen it around on several blogs and people obviously like it (why else would the series be so long?) but I am going to be a bit warier continuing. I should probably talk about the rest of the book but the consent issue overshadowed all other parts of the book for me. I'll be wary when I get to reading the second book, at least.

a heroine that starts out shy and insecure and ends up coming into her own as a confident, strong and badass protagonist? sign me tf up! problematic scenes aside, these books are crack and i'm obsessed with the characters

This was my first Reading Romances book for the current month challenge. In Topics: N.º 3: Read a book that is part of a series. I started this series with this one and that may have spoiled this a bit for me. But just for honesty sake, I wasn’t thrilled with this book. OK, it has several intriguing characters, a lot of lore and an interesting story but it felt like it was missing something like a lack in the characters dept and a sense of story continuum. It’s a pleasant reading but it definitely won’t get on my top 10 favorites. I’ll be giving this series a second chance by reading its first story (short length novel) and maybe it will give me a change of heart (but I seriously doubt it). If you’re into paranormal romance, vampires, lykaes and all sort of demons and gouls, it’s a must read series. I just wasn’t thrilled but can see why others would be and it does distinguish itself by the world-building and character diversity. See the full review here:http://sarinhafarinha.wordpress.com/2...

Check out this and my other reviews at My Blog, Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Pinterest ★Book Basics★ Genre : - Paranormal Romance Series : - Second in the series. Love triangle? - (view spoiler)[No (hide spoiler)] Cheating? - (view spoiler)[No (hide spoiler)] HEA? - (view spoiler)[Yes (hide spoiler)] Would I read more by this author/or in this series? - Yes Rating - 5 stars ★Review★ I am so enjoying this series! Should have read it years ago. Again, really liked the hero and the heroine. The hero a bit more of a dick in this book than book 1, but understandable given where he was when the book started. Again, I love all the lore characters, especially the Valkyrie. Here, we have struggles and both the hero and heroine having to overcome their hate of the others species, the hero more so. Emma is more timid than the previous heroine, and it is clear why, but seeing her come into her own, and just how proud Lachlain is of his vampire bride, is great. Another great instalment in the series.

SO, I thought this was my first time reading AHLNO, but apparently I tried it last year? Whatever, listening to it on audiobook has vastly changed my mind on the experience, as Richard Petkoff is a narrating god! Loved his accents, so good. Also, I am participating in the "Fated Mates" podcast reread of this IAD series, and the enthusiasm of both hosts has amped me up to plow through this entire series. *loved the world building, all the different types of "Lore" *OMG the violence is ridiculous but also kind of funny, but also really violent?! Lots of blood, ripped off limbs, swords, etc. *There is definitely some WTF sexy times moments (especially when Emma 'takes' from Lachlan's um, private spot, to distract him to try and get away). I picked this up because it was on Sarah Maclean's list of recommended romances. I typically don't read paranormal (especially shape-shifting) romance so I thought I'd give it a try, but overall I wasn't super impressed. There was an overwhelming amount of different types of paranormal characters that I'm assuming the reader would have met in the first book of the series and I found the whole destined mate thing to be a convenient go-around for the "insta-love" trope. Basically, our "hero" Lachlain has been chained for decades in a vampire prison and is stuck there until he scents his one true mate, causing him to chew his leg off and break free. He immediately imprisons the timid half-vampire, half-valkyrie Emma who has never been touched by a man (or kissed) and immediately forces sexual acts on her, because duh, she's his. She protests, but eventually falls for her one true mate while they figure out her parentage and why her adopted Valkyrie family has made her not drink blood from the source and basically kept her hidden away. So, overall not too impressed.