
I can handle possessive men being all obsessive and shit, but controlling men who would straight up tell me your opinion does not matter and would do whatever they want without asking me? yeah hell no. With that said, I don't think I like Tack.

This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance *May Contain Spoilers* Motorcycle Man is the final and concluding book of the Dream Man series and my heart is SO sad because Tack and Tyra's book is over and no more dream man sexiness :( I just had a blast with these books and it should mean something when I read the series in order and can't function reading anything else. Kristen Ashley has won my heart AGAIN!!! These books were all amazing and I loved seeing the series come together in Motorcycle Man. Even though this isn't my favorite book of the series ( I might have had super high expectations after reading the Chaos series with Tack and Tyra) ---I believe that book one is still my favorite. However, I had a delightful time with Motorcycle Man and I didn't want to put this book down. “Uh… you pledged your troth to me, Tack. It’s not like you don’t know I get feisty.” “I pledged my troth,” Tack repeated. “Yeah.” “You just said I pledged my troth.” “Yes, that’s what I just said.” “What’s a troth?” “I don’t know, I just know you pledged it.” Tyra and Tack meet at a bar at a biker party, sparks fly and they have hot sex and then Tack practically kicks Tyra out of his bed. Which is typical of your badass alpha biker male but Tyra is emotionally hurt because she has quickly fallen for Tack. Which I understand, some people can't do the wham bam thank you ma'am one night stands (I am one of them, I get attached way too easily) so I understand that side of the heroine. Then she goes in to get a job as a office manager and who is her new boss....yep Tack and she knows she is in trouble because working for the man who broke her heart isn't the easiest. And Tack is a jerk to her at first, ordering her around and yeah I wanted to kick him at times because he is so mean at times. But then there is a slow turn around. He wants Tyra and will fight for her. (My favorite quote below....try NOT to cry....I dare you) "You may not know this baby, but some men have dream women too." “That movie you made me watch, first time at your house. Love and redemption. You said, ‘the most beautiful stories ever told are the most difficult to take’. You said that, Red. Right out. And I knew if you got that, when it was later and I shared my shit with you, you’d get me. I never thought my story was beautiful. I thought it was shit. But you said that and when you did, I saw it. The ride is not over but if I can keep my Club together and find a sweet, feisty woman who’s got my back and enough to her that she’ll stay there, holding me up not dragging me down, I figure I’d find my way to beauty eventually. And I’d find absolution because I’d know, I earned the love of that woman, a woman who’s got so much to her it’ll take years to dig down and find the heart of her, that would be my reward.” Then we get to the sweet and delicious parts of the book where Tack goes after Tyra, proving his sincerity to her and introducing her to his children. And just seeing how much his kids Rush and Tabby just endear themselves to Tyra was so endearing. I loved seeing her relationship with the kids (who are in their late teens). But then we have the ex wife of Tack and she is horrid especially in how she treats her daughter. But Tyra is so bad ass when its needed and yeah you cross her or the people that she loves, watch out because she will kick your ass. I loved Tyra so much, and after seeing her character in the Chaos books, it was so fun to read her book and see her spirit and tenacity and what strong will that she has. She is the perfect match for Tack in many ways, she stands her ground especially when its something she firmly believes in. She learns how to "handle" her man and that loving someone isn't easy. We see some villains come into play and some we don't see coming and we see all four men come together when the Russian Mob comes after Tack and Tyra. Despite the fact that they all have different agendas, their women are very close, and they all have respect for each other and seeing them work together as if they were brothers was EPIC and we see this bond grow throughout the four books and loved seeing it in the conclusion. All I can say is that this book is truly amazing packs quite a punch. What I adore about these two is their sassy interactions and the fun bantering and I adore the development of their relationship and seeing this family really come together during both the good times and especially the bad times. They close ranks and when some bad stuff happens, Tack and Tyra and the two kids really show their true colors and what family is ALL about and I loved seeing it in this book. I know that children aren't for everyone, but Rush and Tabby are older and more mature although they are still teenagers so they have their moments hehe but Tack and Tyra handle them so well. We do see a growing plot dealing with the Russian Mob and seeing the ex wife show her true colors and seeing Tyra come face to face with what it means to be an old lady and the good points and the not so easy ones. Tyra isn't sure she can be the biker lady that Tack really needs, but she proves that she fits and the club brothers show her that she is as much a part of them as Tack is. She is so devoted to Tack and his family and even his brothers, she will fight for them and defend them even if she doesn't agree with their ways. Life’s a roller coaster. Best damn ride in the park. You don’t close your eyes, hold on and wait for it to be over, babe. You keep your eyes open, lift your hands straight up in the air and enjoy the ride for as long as it lasts. Overall I found Motorcycle Man to be a hit for me, KA has done wonders with this book and I found Tack and Tyra's story to be truly an poignant and sassy romance that will leave you laughing and packed with good feels!! SENSATIONAL!

This is my second time reading Motorcycle Man, and it was just as good as the first time. I have been on a Sons Of Anarchy (TV Show) kick lately and watching this made me want to dive back into Motorcycle Man with Tack and the Chaos crew. What I love most about Motorcycle Man is that Tack the hero and Tyra the heroine are as opposite as they come. He sees colors and lives his life to the fullest and Tyra sees life as black and white. They do not try to change each other but compromise with each other on their different worlds. I have been interested in Tack, the tattoo badass biker babe since Mystery Man (Dream Man series #1). Tacks story is amazing. Loved him more when it ended. Was not sure at times about him, especially when he got a little too much in Tyra personal pace and had his hands around her throat but once I found out the reason for this I shed a few tears. Kristen Ashley has a way of writing where things are not what they seem to be. Once you find out what is going on, everything the hero does make sense. Tack is what I love most in heroes, a alpha male who will do what ever it takes to protect the ones he loves. He is possessive and what is his, is his no exceptions. Even though he is blunt and tells things how it is, he is also willing to tone his bluntness down a bit and try to be gentle for the woman he loves. Gwen I adored and thought she was perfect for Tack. She is feisty and never backs down. Loved her more when she protected his daughter from an ugly outcome. Love that Gwen and Tack have been friends since Mystery Man (Dream Man series #1). Their friendship is solid and sweet. I adored how he still calls her Peaches. I enjoyed Hawk, Gwen, Brock, Tess, Mitch, Mara and Elvira pulling together to help Tack and Tyra. It was a treat to see them as couples and going about their lives at the time in their POV. Kudos to Kristen Ashley for writing an amazing end of series novel and having Tack as the last in the series. Sad to see Dream Man series end but happy that there will be a continuing series with the Chaos crew. Any book in the series can be stand alone and not be lost, but to get a better feel of Tack and the rest of the Dream Man Series characters I highly recommend reading in order. Motorcycle Man is a keeper for me especially when I need my Dream-Man-Sexy-Biker-Babe-Tack Fix. Originally posted at Wickedly Delicious Book Blog

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 5 Honey + Darlin' Stars ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ "Felt her throat, no pulse. I gotta tell you, Red, there is nothin’, not one thing in the world worse than puttin’ your hand to the throat of someone you love and… feelin’… nothin'. -Tack” Motorcycle Man, is the story of Kane"Tack" Allen and Tyra "Red" Masters. They meet at a Chaos party and have sex. For Tyra, she's met her dream man. She doesn't sleep around normally, but she falls in love with Tack immediately! She has finally found her "Dream Man" that she has held out hope on for so long...unfortunately for her, Tack sees her as just another easy lay, and promptly kicks her out of his bed after a good time. Imagine his suprise the next morning when Tyra shows up at his compound telling him that she has been hired as his new office manager, he is now her boss. That complicates things. Thus begins Motorcycle Man. Kane "Tack" Allen: Tack is 41, a womanizer, Harley driver, President of Chaos Motorcycle Club, father of two teenagers, divorced man, has lots of hot tattoos, blue eyes, and longish salt n pepper hair...more pepper mind you! I fell in love with Tack. Don't get me wrong, he drove me crazy sometimes! He would make me so mad, then you can't help but love him again when he's being sweet and using that dirty talking mouth of his. “Bottom line, no one fucks with my woman.” Tyra "Red" Masters Tyra is an awesome female lead! She is a 35 year old woman who's never been married due to her dreams of finding her "Dream Man" that she's been dreaming of since she was a little girl. She promised herself she would never settle for anything less. She can be quite sassy, cute, and overall funny. I found her very endearing and I was very pleased with her as an overall character. “Truth, honesty, perseverance, strength, love of all kinds and forgiveness are all beautiful, Tack. The most beautiful stories ever told are the most difficult to take.”-Red Tyra and Tack together is pure perfection! Their chemistry, love, banter, passion, humor, all of it is off the charts! I loved watching their relationship progress. I was very emotionally invested in them and found myself crying multiple times throughout the book! All the cute Saturday pizza nights, family dinners, and pillow talks were amazing and really showed how much Tack loved Tyra. Some of Tack's confessions broke my heart. He was also an amazing father. Who wouldn't love them together? I only have two complaints about this book and that would be when (view spoiler)[ Tyra almost dies. I didn't like Tack's reaction to what happened. There were no tears, punches, or anything showing that he was upset. It didn't fit with the love that I know he has for her (hide spoiler)]. The final complaint was that I felt the ending was very rushed as far as the story-line with the "bad-guys", other than that this was a fantastic novel and it's probably my favorite Kristen Ashley book that I've ever read! “I like everything about you, honey. Lived in black and white seems like all my life. Never noticed. Not until you colored my world.” “And into the darkness, to his sleeping woman, he whispered, “You don’t know this, baby, but some men have dream women too.” ***I would recommend this novel to others***

2nd edition shelved for book challenge purposes. (for re reads of books within the same year) Full review here -

Another great book by Kristen Ashley. Somehow she just knows how to dig deep and pull out emotions that affect the reader. I really enjoyed Tack's story, and I'm so glad that she is continuing the stories of characters from this book in her Chaos series.

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads . My bookish bestie has been after me to read a Kristen Ashley book FOREVER. I'm not entirely sure why I put it off as long as I did, but I'm happy I finally broke down a few days ago and decided to pick one of her books up. Motorcycle Man was a great pick for me because it also marked my first true motorcycle club book. And also, it was entirely brilliant. It captivated me from start to finish. I love a good alpha male, but it definitely did take some time for Tack to grow on me. He wasn't like the swoony book boys I've been reading recently. After I adjusted my expectations, vented a bit to my friend and gave him a chance, I began seeing what an amazing guy he really was. I grew to love him just as he was. Tyra, on the other hand, I connected with right from the start. It was easy to see a lot of myself in her. Despite a bumpy start – and more than a few fights as the book went on – I absolutely loved the romance between Tack and Tyra. There was something special about the two of them together. They had tons of passion and the sexy times were hot. But it was the relationship, the push and pull as they grew together, that kept me sticking around. To say I was invested in these characters and their story is a HUGE understatement. Through it all there were even a fair few feels, too. Books like this are why I read. So yes, I'm officially a KA addict. I read three of her books in three days. I can't get enough. And I really can't wait to meet her in Pittsburgh in a few weeks.

I reread this with the audio to see if I liked it more than the first time I read it years ago... and my rating is still the same lol