Conan Book of Thoth
Writer-artist-editor (and all-around comics visionary) Harvey Kurtzman teamed up with legendary artists Wally Wood, Johnny Craig, Jack Davis, Al Feldstein, John Severin, Will Elder, and Dave Berg to create these powerful stories of struggle and humanity that are considered to be among the best war stories ever told. Reprints six complete issues (24 stories), #7-12.

Armin Sh@persian

Liam Dyer@liamd94

Magnus Dahl@gorillotaur

Magnus Dahl@gorillotaur

Magnus Dahl@gorillotaur

Xavier Roy@xavierroy

Xavier Roy@xavierroy

Sean McGilvray@semanticdrifter

Sean McGilvray@semanticdrifter

Sean McGilvray@semanticdrifter

Tor Andre Wigmostad@norserintrah