Peter Panzerfaust The great escape
"A high energy action story that blends Red Dawn with Peter Pan. The city of Calais is the first city in France to fall to the Germans in the spring of 1940. A mysterious American boy named Peter rallies a handful of plucky French orphans and they must work together to survive Europe's darkest hour. From the writer of the critically acclaimed Green Wake, The Intrepids and Debris."--Page 4 of cover.

Aviv Leo Zippin@leozippin
Peter Pan VS. Nazis That basically sums up the tag-line. What you find inside though is a rich interpretation of the Peter Pan myth in contrast to what is a classic WWII story. Wieb's story focuses not so much on Pan himself but on the Lost Boys of that era, and how in the confusion of the war a Pan-figure inspires them to rise against the oppression and take control of their lives. The art is loose and simplistic, but serves the story well. With an array of well-researched environments the artist of the book draws a nicely depicted setting for the story. One of the greatest hits of the current Image wave!

Ingrid @nola