Radiant Black, Volume 1

Radiant Black, Volume 1

"The perfect superhero comic for anyone missingInvincible..." - Robert Kirkman (The Walking Dead,Invincible) THE MOST-ACCLAIMED NEW SERIES OF2021! Visionary writer Kyle Higgins (MightyMorphin Power Rangers, Ultraman) and artist Marcelo Costa reinvent super heroesfor a new generation! Nathan Burnett has just turned thirty and thingsaren't great -- he's working (and failing) at two jobs, hiscredit card debt is piling up and his only move... is moving back home with hisparents. But when Nathan discovers theethereal, cosmic RADIANT, he's given the power to radically change hisfortunes...unless the Cosmic Beings who created them succeed in taking them backby any means necessary. Oh, and did we mention there's a RED RADIANT who wantsNathan dead? The next must-read comic book series STARTSHERE. CollectsRADIANT BLACK #1-6
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Photo of Maya Johnson
Maya Johnson@sup3rn0va
3 stars
Feb 25, 2023

I thought this comic was interesting. The first part was boring to me but it began to pick up in the middle and the excitement I had carried all the way to the end of the comic. Overall, I would recommend but I would suggest taking caution and understand that this starts off a bit slow.

Photo of John Harkabus
John Harkabus@johnharkabus
4 stars
Jun 29, 2022