Nightwing: Setting Son Vol. 5 (New 52)
Nightwing has moved to Chicago, but the ghosts of Gotham City won't let him be. The Mad Hatter forces Nightwing into an uneasy alliance with the mysterious Marionette – and the sins of Dick's past will come back to haunt him unless he can make peace with his previous life.

Closer to a 3.5, but I'm a sucker for Dick Grayson. I had forgotten that I need to read Forever Evil to understand the final issue, but hey, considering I started reading comics again a year ago because of the Grayson comics, I think I've got a pretty good handle on the whys and wherefores. Not the tightest volume out there, but I liked the wrap up and am I the only one that got a little chill of that full page spread of Dick as a Talon surrounded by the Court?

Pooja Mahesh@pooja

Mark Anderson@markedasread

Lorien O'Brien@lorienkittybooks