The Awakening
A battle is brewing in the underworld, and at the center of it all is Damali Richards, spoken word artist and vampire huntress. But she is not just any huntress; she is the millennium Neteru, a woman so powerful that the vampire world is about to start a war-one that threatens to spread onto her streets-in order to possess her... Fallon Nuit, a rogue vampire who is one of the most powerful Damali has ever encountered, has allied himself with the deadly Amanthra demons in order to claim her. But the Vampire Council has plans for her as well. And now an unlikely variable has entered the equation: an ex-lover turned master vampire with an agenda of his own. Damali must risk trusting him once more if they are to survive.

Tifani Dyson@tifanichanel
LOVED LOVED LOVED this book, I knew after the first book that it just gets better. Damali and Carlos always leave me wanting more! The dynamics between good and evil, right and wrong, and all the shades of grey are exactly what I needed. The religious aspects of this story line always make me think and research, which is something that other sci-fi/parafiction stories don't usually do. Ready to go on to the third book. If they could make this into a show or movie AND do it justice, that would be amazing!!!

Maya Johnson@sup3rn0va

Sara Gaspar Farinha@sarafarinha