The Sea Fairies

The Sea Fairies

L Frank Baum2021
The little girl was thoughtful for a moment. "But why do folks dive in the water when the mermaids smile an' wink?" she asked."Mermaids," he said gravely, "is the most beautiful creatures in the world-or the water, either. You know what they're like, Trot, they's got a lovely lady's form down to the waist, an' then the other half of 'em's a fish, with green an' purple an' pink scales all down it.""Have they got arms, Cap'n Bill?""'Course, Trot; arms like any other lady. An' pretty faces that smile an' look mighty sweet an' fetchin'. Their hair is long an' soft an' silky, an' floats all around 'em in the water. When they comes up atop the waves, they wring the water out'n their hair and sing songs that go right to your heart. If anybody is unlucky enough to be 'round jes' then, the beauty o' them mermaids an' their sweet songs charm 'em like magic; so's they plunge into the waves to get to the mermaids. But the mermaids haven't any hearts, Trot, no more'n a fish has; so they laughs when the poor people drown an' don't care a fig. That's why I says, an' I says it true, that nobody never sawr a mermaid an' lived to tell the tale.""Nobody?" asked Trot."Nobody a tall.""Then how do you know, Cap'n Bill?" asked the little girl, looking up into his face with big, round eyes.Cap'n Bill coughed. Then he tried to sneeze, to gain time. Then he took out his red cotton handkerchief and wiped his bald head with it, rubbing hard so as to make him think clearer. "Look, Trot; ain't that a brig out there?" he inquired, pointing to a sail far out in the sea."How does anybody know about mermaids if those who have seen them never lived to tell about them?" she asked again."Know what about 'em, Trot?"7"About their green and pink scales and pretty songs and wet hair.""They don't know, I guess. But mermaids jes' natcherly has to be like that, or they wouldn't be mermaids."She thought this over. "Somebody MUST have lived, Cap'n Bill," she declared positively. "Other fairies have been seen by mortals; why not mermaids?""P'raps they have, Trot, p'raps they have," he answered musingly. "I'm tellin' you as it was told to me, but I never stopped to inquire into the matter so close before. Seems like folks wouldn't know so much about mermaids if they hadn't seen 'em; an' yet accordin' to all accounts the victim is bound to get drownded.""P'raps," suggested Trot softly, "someone found a fotygraph of one of 'em.""That might o' been, Trot, that might o' been," answered Cap'n Bill.
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