
I hated this while also enjoying it. Not very good but good enough to finish lol

This first book introduces us to Meredith Gentry, a woman who is in fact a lost faerie princess. She's been living away from the Unseelie court, avoiding her aunt and working as a detective in a supernatural company. She is soon found out to be the missing princess and tries to make an escape before being sort of caught. The one dispatched to bring her back however has ulterior motives. Some co fusion ensues and it turns out that her aunt, the Queen does not want her death, but someone out there does. Once back home, Meredith learns that her aunt plans to name her heir and wants her to mother an heir of her own.
There was plenty of court intrigue that I really enjoyed as well as moments of spice that gave it an extra kick. This may be my new favorite by Laurell K Hamilton and it's only the first book!

Been a minute since I read a book, so needed a... guilty pleasure to get back into the swing of things. The past 2 months I have been raising a puppy that's literally a baby, but potty training is almost over so yippy! I have heard many things about the Merry Gentry series, and finally delved into it. The premise is very intriguing, but the delivery is.. interesting. Definitely just a regular supernatural smut read LOL.

This book reads like all the bad Anita Blake books. Still, I’m so used to LKH’s writing, that it’s almost comforting to just have her books playing in the background while I work. Let’s hope the next book in this series picks up.

Yikes. No.

Guh, this book. If there was ever a case of a character having Super Special Snowflake Syndrome, the main character is this book has the worst case of all. She is literally a faerie princess who suddenly has Super Special powers and all the guys want to sexxors. I mean, I can't really blame the dudes with the circumstances, but it is still just... awful. The beginning of this book had promise. It was fast-paced, it had a thrill, and the main character wasn't quite so annoying. It just devolved into sex and "Look at how awesome and amazing and beautiful I am!" from there. I'm kind of glad, though. This way I already know I won't make it through the rest of this series without throwing several things, so I can quit while I'm ahead. I would rant more, but typing on my phone is amplifying the headache this book gave me. Just... no.

I didn’t expect this novel to be as erotic as it was, and because of that I was pleasantly surprised with how deep seeded the eroticism went with the plot. The sex didn’t take away from it at all. If anything, it had you wanting to read more! Good stuff. It’s the first in a series, so I intend to read the rest and see what happens next.