
Absolutely fire Book was insane! Not because of sexual tension or romantic bullshit but because Anita is badass and serves ass whooping’s too shy and every body lol love her

Book 5 of the Anita Blake series and Anita gets to take a trip out of town for her animator job. She is asked to try and raise a mass grave that a construction company unearthed. The plot may belong to a certain famy which makes it impossible for the company to be building on it. Once again, there is a second plot line in this story which is the mystery of a series of deaths. Anita begrudgingly inlists Jean Claude's help with a case of a missing kid. Several twists and turns keep this story interesting, with all of the main points of interest lining up together.

I am in love with Mr. Larry. Probably my favorite character. Well, I usually like Richard fairly well but he was only in this one for like .22 seconds. The story line in this one was probably one of my favorites. I really like the mystery/mystical aspect of these books. Now, what I don't like: I do not get the whole Jean-Claude thing. People talk about how he's the sexiest vampire ever written and I don't see how. Every time he talks I want to jump into the book and stake him my damn self - warrant or not Also I don't know if I mentioned this before or not but I could live without the descriptions of clothing down the the tiniest detail. I mean honestly if it's not actually important to the story, no one cares what you're wearing or what color the swoosh is on your Nike's.

I don't know why I'm doing this to myself... The best part of the book is right up until J.-C. shows up :/