Ruby Redfort look into my eyes
Ruby Redfort is a genius code-cracker, a daring detective, and a gadget-laden special agent who just happens to be a 13-year-old girl. She and her slick side-kick butler, Hitch, foil crimes and get into loads of scrapes with evil villains, but they're always ice-cool in a crisis.

Anna- Lena Brauer@anlinn

Eszter H@eskratskrt

Alinda @yourmothersbasement

Aoife Cunningham@aoifecunningham7

Amelia Cohen@millie1

Olivia Gash@livthelightblue102

Gabrielle Oxley@11elle97

Camila Eduarda Vilela Lobianco@camilalobianco

Ramona Crumlish@ramonac

Catherine Chen@phyre

Freya Cardwell@effie

Brianna @sopranodruid


Fatima Said@fatima990

julienne @tenderjpg

ivo dekker@ivo

MJ Laird@i-read-that-movie

Mae Gabriel Loke@maegloke

Molly Talbot@mollyjane


Lynn Braden@ftbooklover