Yoga Pant Nation
The hilarious, irreverent Jen Dixon is class mom—again—for her son’s fifth grade year, and a class bully, spin-teacher training, and her irresistible granddaughter keep her on her toes and perpetually in yoga pants. The now beloved hero of Laurie Gelman’s Class Mom and You’ve Been Volunteered has a lot on her plate this year in Yoga Pant Nation—from childcare duties for her daughter’s two-year-old to her determined mission to become a spin instructor. When her husband’s ex-wife shows up to her first ever class as a full-fledged teacher—and compliments her performance!—she can’t help but wonder what the catch is. Throw in a mandate from the PTA president to raise $10,000 for the fifth graders’ new Chrome books and her daughter’s mother-in-law (whom no one has ever met) visiting for Christmas, and Jen is going to need more than her regular spin class to get her through the year. But as ever, humor is her best stress relief. Her acerbic emails to the class parents and friendly spars with her daughter over how organic is organic-enough for baby food will have you laughing out loud and texting Jen’s best lines to your friends.
Crystal L@umcrystal
Kristen Claiborn@kristenc
Shawna Gavas@shawna
Julie Berman@bookies
chichi lewis@mamaprkr