
I’m not totally sure what I was expecting when I picked up this book. Maybe something about fairies, cuz the girl on the cover has wings. Maybe something dystopic. But whatever I was expecting, its not what I got. This book is completely unlike anything I have ever read before. It was about reality, and the way people are treated because they’re different. It was about magic, because those were the differences that set people apart. It was about love. All kinds of love. Love when it’s ugly and when it’s beautiful. This book was ugly and beautiful. This book is something different. It is totally worth the time it takes to read it.

I think the book was okay. I didn't completely finish the book because the first 10 chapters bored me. Seriously, girls with wings of bees did not thrill me at all.

It was a great book but may me give it a low rating the writing style was just weird I mean some line in the book didn't make scent to me. I still like the characters and idea of the story.

Well, crap. I had a wonderful review bemoaning this book all written out and then I erased it. Dang it. Here we go again. Okay, honestly, I have no freaking clue what I read. I didn't even finish, and I honestly have no idea what happened. I was confused when I started, and my confusion never stopped. At first, I thought that the book was starting in the middle of what was going to be all the action - I was wrong. (I think. I can't really tell.) I was slightly disappointed when I thought that, too, because it wasn't very action-y, and there wasn't any explanation given. None. As I read, I started to realize that what had seemed like the middle of everything was actually possibly the build-up to the action, which confused me even more than I thought possible and is essentially not very fun. For one thing, the way that the main character talks annoys the heck out of me. He sounds like he's five! I also couldn't ever figure out how old he was or what his name was, because all anyone ever called him was "Teller". Why Teller? I dunno. (And I did read far enough to hopefully get some explanation, but apparently not.) He capitalized random words that really had no business being capitalized, words like "safe" and "food" and all other sorts of random things like that. He also sounded completely uneducated. It gave me a headache just reading it. There wasn't any sort of elegance whatsoever, and it didn't aid in helping you read at all. Also, the character names annoyed me. With all the random names, it got to the point where I didn't even try to figure out who was who anymore, they'd all just blended together. Another thing about the characters - there wasn't any explanation of who they were or why they were there or what they looked like until you got to their "story", which half the time didn't even make sense. Basically... I have no freaking clue what happened in the half of the book that I read.