Leave Me
"International bestselling author Gayle Forman's trademark humor and insight abound in this masterful adult debut, showing us that sometimes you have to leave home in order to find it again. For every woman who has ever fantasized about driving past her exit on the highway instead of going home to make dinner, for every woman who has ever dreamed of boarding a train to a place where no one needs constant attention--meet Maribeth Klein, a harried working mother who's so busy taking care of her husband and twins, she doesn't even realize she's had a heart attack. Afterward, surprised to discover that her recuperation seems to be an imposition on those who rely on her, Maribeth does the unthinkable: she packs a bag and leaves. But, as is so often the case, once she gets to where she's going, she sees her life from a different perspective. Far from the demands of family and career and with the help of liberating new friendships, Maribeth is finally able to own up to secrets she has been keeping from those she loves, and from herself. With big-hearted characters who stumble and trip, grow and forgive, Leave Me is about facing our fears. Gayle Forman, a dazzling observer of human nature, has written an irresistible novel that confronts the ambivalence of modern motherhood head-on" --

Caitlin Baker@cbaker19
Great storyline, definitely tugged at the heartstrings. Ending was abrupt. I expected it, but also didn’t expect it. “Sometimes leaving someone is the most loving thing you can do.”

Courtney Patterson@courtpatterson
As a mom the story intrigued me and I found it a little bit relatable with sometimes being overwhelmed in all that comes with being a mom and wife. It was a good, quick and easy read but I had a hard time with the end. Alot of things not answered and just seemed to be quickly ended or just became glazed over and not as important as they started out

Melissa Railey@melrailey

Bailley Leppert@bailleyleppert



Diana Budman@diana_buds

riley dawson@rileydawson12

Neisha Gabrysiak@skoobevoli2003

Emily Ortiz@emmarie313

Adrianna Ismar-Gaud Sawyers@adriannasawyersbooks

Candyce Kirk@thebookdutchesses

Ruth Parker @ruth

Allyson Marrs@ajmarrs
