Cinderella's Not-So-Ugly Stepsister
Can your heart bear to listen to the truth? Everybody in the kingdom has heard the tale of Cinderella. A beautiful girl, a discarded shoe, and the winning of a handsome prince's heart. Well, that's not my story. It's not Cinderella's either. To give them credit, the royal family's spin doctors are wonderfully skilled at creating juicy propaganda. Who wouldn't prefer that fairy tale of fake news when you compare it with the truth? I'm not here to force you to believe in one thing over another. I'm no scientist with a measuring tape and statistics to sway your fact-loving heart. But I was there. I lived with her. I know every last detail of what happened. So, if you want the real story listen closely but be warned: Ivy Kingdom isn't known for happy endings...

Ella Zegarra@ellieroth