The Theory of Unrequited

I reveived an ARC of this book from the author I voluntarily reviewed it. Thank you Len Webster! This book was a whirlwind of back and forths between Evan and AJ. It broke my heart how blind Evan is to AJ’s feelings l... and his own. My heart was breaking for AJ through every chapter of this book. I really enjoyed the science humour in this book. It’s super fresh and great. I wish the “theory of unrequited” was pushed more. Kind of like in An Abundance of Katherines by John Greene. But the nerdiness of it was endearing, and I loved it. This may get me some backlash, but I don’t like Evan. There, I said it. Not only is he blind to his “best friend’s” feelings, but he’s oblivious to her dreams and how she changes her life for him. That really bothered me, and it’s something I’m bot sure I can get over. #TeamConnecticut (fight me) I can’t wait to get into the second one to see what happens!