Leota's Garden
At eighty-four, Leota Reinhardt is alone, all of her efforts to reconcile with her adult children hadn't worked in the past, until she meets her estranged grandaughter, Annie, and confides to her the silent sacrifice she had made as a young mother of two, while her husband was gone during World War II
Jeni Enjaian@jenienjaian
Talita Sassenberg@talita
Valeria Rodriguez@valeriusrc
Gracie Webb@graciew
Alex King@discoberry
Ashley Harris @ashbuysallthethings
Beth Livingston@readergirl19
Beatrice Toader@beatrice_toader12
Emily C Peterson@etrigg
Meagan Fowler@meaganfowler
JacQueline Roe@authorjacquelinevaughnroe
Jordan Springs@northernstarwolf